
tóng wēn céng
  • stratosphere;isothermal layer
同温层 [tóng wēn céng]
  • [isothermal layer] 紧接对流层顶,并位于其上部的温度近似相等的大气区域

同温层[tóng wēn céng]
  1. 反战斧导弹的GPS欺骗措施分析与同温层气球干扰平台的实现

    Analysis of GPS spoofing measure to defence the cruise missile " Deep Fire " and a spoofing system on stratosphere balloon flat

  2. 这项任务是把一个HD高清摄像机系在一个太空探测气象气球上,放飞到同温层上面,拍摄地球外面的黑暗。

    The mission was to attach a HD video camera to a weather balloon and send it up into the upper stratosphere to film the blackness beyond our earth .

  3. 提出由罗兰C辅助北斗双星对同温层气球进行定位的方法。

    A stratospheric balloon positioning method using the Loran-C augmented Beidou system is proposed .

  4. 氮氧化物NOx是一种大气污染物,可以造成酸雨,光化学烟雾,破坏同温层的臭氧层和对人体产生危害等。

    Nitrogen oxides plays important roles in destruction of environment , causing acid rain , photochemical smog , ground level ozone pollution and so on , as well as damage to human health .

  5. 本文就同温层臭氧出现部分空洞引发的太阳紫外线(UV)辐射变化及其对植物生长、植物次生化学特性和植物生殖生长影响方面最近研究的进展情况以及取得的一些结果加以综合评述。

    In this paper , the recent advance and achievement obtained in the study on effects of the enhanced UV radiation aroused by partial depletion of stratospheric ozone on plant growth responses , plant secondary chemistry and plant reproduction were synthetically reviewed .

  6. 基于同温层平台提高LADGPS覆盖范围研究

    An Study for Increasing the Coverage of LADGPS Using Stratospheric Platforms

  7. 但是1974年美国学者指出,CFC进入同温层后将使保护地球上生物不受紫外线伤害的臭氧层遭受破坏。

    But in 1974 , American professor pointed out that CFC , once in the stratosphere , destroys ozonosphere , which protects the human race from the radiation of ultraviolet rays .

  8. 在保留这种同温层运输机货运能力的同时,它们的后舱门被一套源自KB-29上的飞杆操作员工作站所取代。

    While these versions of the Stratofreighter retained their cargo capability , their rear doors were replaced with a boom operator 's station derived from that of the KB-29 .

  9. 几分钟后我们的客机将在同温层中飞行。

    In a few minutes our passenger plane will be flying in the stratosphere .

  10. 同温层气球平台反向定位系统的研究

    Research of Stratosphere Balloon Platform Inverse Positioning System

  11. 北极上空同温层臭氧在减少

    Stratospheric ozone depletion over the Arctic

  12. 同温层气球空气微粒计数器

    Stratospheric balloon aerosol particle counter

  13. 把含硫粒子投放到同温层中,可反射足够多的阳光,从而起到显著效果。

    Sulphur particles shot into the stratosphere , could reflect enough sunlight to make a measurable difference .

  14. 通过借用以往处理同温层臭氧损耗、硫氧化物排放引起的酸雨以及核武器等问题的公约体制,《京都议定书》体制很快构建起来了。

    Kyoto was constructed by quickly borrowing from past treaty regimes dealing with stratospheric ozone depletion , acid rain from sulphur emissions and nuclear weapons .

  15. 同温层中的一层,在高空大约英里处,含有较高的臭氧量,足以阻挡太阳的大部分紫外线。

    A layer in the stratosphere ( at approximately 20 miles ) that contains a concentration of ozone sufficient to block most ultraviolet radiation from the sun .

  16. 你所在的城市将会升起巨大的蘑菇云,烟柱会借着自身产生的热量一直冲上同温层。

    A mushroom cloud would rise over the city . The top of the plume would reach up through the stratosphere , buoyed by its own heat .

  17. 飞机发动机的设计优化着眼于飞机以巡航速度在同温层水平飞行,用这样的发动机在地面上为飞机加速会浪费大量燃料。

    Aircraft engines are optimised for level flight at cruising speed in the stratosphere . Using them to accelerate a plane on the ground wastes a lot of fuel .

  18. 在运载航天火箭穿越外太空,引导弹道导弹在大气同温层划上死亡轨迹的时代,没有任何一个民族可以宣称是战争的胜利者。

    In a day when vehicles hurtle through outer space and guided ballistic missiles carve highways of death through the stratosphere , no nation can claim victory in war .

  19. 福特和阿瑟尖叫着冲出同温层,干净利索地停在波特兰区,刚过六点三十,泊车免费。

    Ford and Arthur had come screaming down out of the stratosphere and parked neatly on Portland Place . It was just after six-thirty in the evening and there were spaces free .