
  • 网络same amount;as much;as much as
  1. 他们和其他人面临着同样多的挑战。

    They face the same amount of challenges as anyone else .

  2. 指表达同样多的信息要尽可能占用较少的信息载体容量。

    The same amount of information should occupy information carrier of as small volume as possible .

  3. 学校没有给她们与男生同样多的参加大学体育活动的机会。

    The school has not given them the same opportunities to participate in varsity sports that men receive .

  4. 我花了同样多的钱。

    I am as much again to cost .

  5. 一个明显的批评是,广度是以深度为代价的;史密斯先生的文章回答了很多问题,但也带来了同样多的问题。

    One obvious criticism is that the price of breadth is depth ; many of Mr. Smith 's essays raise as many questions as they answer .

  6. 同样多的人表示,选民和美国企业还没有准备好让更多的女性担任高层领导职。

    Similar shares say the electorateand corporate America are just not ready to put more women in top leadership positions .

  7. 并且,大部分成年子女会一如既往,像“以往的美好年代”一样,为他们渐渐老去的父母提供同样多的照顾和支持,大部分老年人并没有被拋弃的感觉。

    Moreover , most adult children provide every bit as much care and support to their aging parents as was the case in the " good old days " , and most older people do not feel abandoned .

  8. 你可能很幸运而赚了好多钱,但应确保你的工作给你带来了同样多的精神享受。

    You may be fortunate and make a lot of money . but be sure your work involves something that enriches2 your spirit as well as your bank account .

  9. 随着越来越多的超市试行“个性化定价”,你和身旁的购物者购买同样多的牛奶时,更有可能付款多少各异。

    As more supermarkets experiment with " personalized pricing , " the more likely it becomes that you and the shopper standing2 next to you will pay two different amounts for the same quart of milk .

  10. 国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)预计,2010年流向亚洲新兴国家的净私人资本将达到逾2700亿美元,2011年将流入同样多的资金。

    Net private capital flows to emerging Asia are forecast to reach more than $ 270bn in 2010 and as much again in 2011 , according to the Institute of International Finance .

  11. 毫无疑问,XML模式包含大量的技术信息,但是描述同样多的技术信息的UML模型也并不少见。

    Granted , an XML schema contains a lot of technical information , but it is not uncommon for a UML model to capture almost as much technical information .

  12. 男的卖西瓜能赚50块,而女的兜售盗版DVD也能赚同样多的钱。

    The husband earns a50-cent profit for selling a watermelon and his wife earns the same for vending a pirated DVD .

  13. 在这个特例中,现在启动更快了,但是稍后如果用户启用数据库工具,他们还要是付出同样多的cpu开销。

    In this particular case study example , the startup is now faster but the user will pay the same CPU costs later if they activate the database tools .

  14. 这个故事的寓意是,可以以任何标准格式将XML传递给JAXP,并以同样多的格式将其输出。

    The moral of the story is that you can give XML to JAXP in just about any standard format and get it out in just as many formats .

  15. 结果表明:在消耗同样多硬件资源产生正弦信号时,采用该方法可以比采用DDS技术获得更好的输出信号信噪比,比采用直接CORDIC算法获得更高的输出信号频。

    The simulation result also confirms that this method has the better SNR of output signal than DDS , and higher output signal frequency than direct CORDIC algorithm .

  16. 再根据K-means方法将测试数据集分为同样多个聚类集,并通过欧式距离找到它们与训练数据子集之间的对应关系。

    Then , test data set is divided into multiple cluster subsets by the K-means method . Find the corresponding relationship between the training data subsets and cluster subsets through Euclidian Distance .

  17. 由于投资者担心Facebook或许永远都不能在移动端产生与桌面版网站同样多的广告营收,Facebook股价在IPO之后曾出现暴跌,在头三个月内跌去近50%。

    Shares in Facebook collapsed following the IPO , falling almost 50 per cent in the first three months , as investors worried that it might never generate as much advertising revenue on mobile as it had from the desktop site .

  18. TONYTAMBASCIA:“现在,我们的学生来自全世界150个不同的国家和地区。印度处于首位,拥有1.5万名学生,而来自中国大陆的学生也几乎同样多。”

    TONY TAMBASCIA : " We currently have students from about one hundred fifteen different places of origin around the world . India is first with over fifteen hundred students . We have almost as many from China . "

  19. ChiTsang补充说,1月份阿里巴巴营收低于预期,部分反映出许多用户转向了移动设备。由于商家不愿为移动广告支付同样多的费用,移动平台带来的营收相对要少一些。

    The lower than expected revenues in January , added Mr Tsang , partly reflected a switch to mobile by many users - a platform that generates smaller revenues because merchants are unwilling to pay as much for mobile advertising .

  20. 而躲在伪安全软件背后的罪犯貌似也能收获同样多的回报,比如BrettStone-Gross和加利福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉市校区的同事。

    The criminals behind fake security software appear to reap similar rewards , say Brett Stone-Gross and colleagues at the University of California , Santa Barbara .

  21. DanielleNierenberg:“因为我们都把在生产食物方面的投资放在首位,我们需要集中同样多的精力确保这些粮食不被浪费。”

    DANIELLE NIERENBERG : " Given all that we invest in producing food in the first place , we need to devote the same amount of attention to making sure that it is not wasted . "

  22. 会议吸引了同样多人数的专业人士和业余爱好者。

    The Convention attracted professionals and enthusiastic hobbyists in equal number .

  23. 同样多的人是把英语作为第二语言来学习。

    An equal number of people learn English as a second language .

  24. 你跟我违反了同样多的守则。

    You violated the section codes as much as me .

  25. “大黄蜂”号也可派出同样多的飞机。

    The hornet will probably launch about the same number .

  26. 这套公寓和那套公寓相比有同样多的卧室。

    This apartment has as many bedrooms as that one .

  27. 但并非所有金砖四国成员都吸引了同样多的关注。

    But not all BRICs are attracting equal attention .

  28. 我们的教室和他们的教室有同样多的窗户。

    Our classroom had as many window as theirs .

  29. 汤姆和迈克有同样多的图画书。

    Tom has as many picture books as Mike .

  30. 这个不透明的评论与它被回答一样引起了同样多的问题。

    That opaque remark has raised as many questions as it has answered .