
  • 网络primary agricultural product
  1. 各类农产品的出口汇率弹性大于进口汇率弹性,初级农产品的收入弹性小于加工品的收入弹性。

    Various types of agricultural products ' Export exchange rate flexibility greater than imports exchange rate flexibility . The income elasticity of primary agricultural products less than processed ones .

  2. 农民之所以穷,是因为只出售初级农产品,没有多大差价。

    The reason farmers are poor is because they just sell primary agricultural products and there is little price difference for them .

  3. 基于地理标志的初级农产品品牌化建设研究

    Research on the Brand Construction of Primary Agricultural Product Based on Geographical Indication

  4. 我国新修正的《产品质量法》在对消费者权益的保护方面仍然力度不够。本文从初级农产品仍未被纳入产品的法定范围;

    Our newly-revised product-quality law is not very strong for the protection of the rights and interests of consumers .

  5. 适用产品责任的产品应包括普通工业品,初级农产品、无形产品,建设工程不动产。

    The products which are applied to product liability are ordinary industrial products , primary agricultual products , immaterial products and construction immovables .

  6. 在此基础上,提出了地理标志初级农产品发展的政府主导、行业中介主导和公司企业主导等三种主导模式。

    After that , this dissertation put forward three developing modes of elementarily agricultural products which are dominantly by government , by agency institution and by enterprises .

  7. 对一加工的初级农产品支付的单位补贴决不能超过对出口该初级产品本身可支付的单位出口补贴。

    In no case may the per-unit subsidy paid on an incorporated agricultural primary product exceed the per-unit export subsidy that would be payable on exports of the primary product as such .

  8. 在新的历史时期,我国农业可持续发展、初级农产品安全、环境安全呼唤农药残留标准化体系的建设。

    In this new era , the sustainable development of our country 's agriculture , safety of primary farm produce , security of the environment demand the establishment of measurement system of Pesticide Residue .

  9. 本文首先析了我国初级农产品品牌建设现状及资源分布情况,从而提出地理标志品牌建设的重要性。

    In the first part , it analyze the current situation of brand construction of agricultural products and the distribution of resources in China in order to show the importance of brand construction based on geographical indication .

  10. 缺陷产品侵权责任中的产品概念,不仅应当包括经过加工、制造的,以销售为目的的动产,未经加工的初级农产品、不动产等也应包括在内。

    Product concept in defective product tort liability , should include not only after processing , manufacturing , sales for the purpose of real estate , without processing of primary agricultural products , real estate and other should also be included .

  11. 通过模型结果表明:我国农业产业化成长路径本质上,是农业产业组织形态由初级农产品自给自足型,向加工农产品自给自足型,向市场交易型,再向企业化经营型逐级跃迁的过程。

    The result of model indicates that the path of agricultural industrialization can be obtained with the process , which agricultural organization types from primary products autarky type to manufacture products autarky type , to marketing transaction type , to corporation organization type .

  12. 在这种形势下,突出政府的主导作用,建立和实施初级农产品安全区域化管理体系,依靠法律法规和行政监管的力量加强初级农产品安全区域化管理已成为历史发展的一种必然趋势。

    Hence , highlighting the leading role of government , establishing and implementing the primary agricultural safety regionalization management system , and relying on the laws and administrative supervision to strengthen the safety of primary agricultural regionalization management have become an inevitable trend in the historical development .

  13. 中国与东盟农产品贸易主要是以互补性为基础的产农产品贸易,进出口贸易的农产品大多都是初级产品和农产品附加值低的产品。

    Agricultural trade between China and Asean is based on complementarity , and agricultural products , that are used for import and export , are most primary products and low value-added products .

  14. 从我国出口农产品中的初级产品比重、农产品品质、出口产品稳定性三方面分析了外向农业目前存在的主要问题。

    The ratio of raw products , the quality and the quantity stability of exported agricultural products in China were analysed at first in the paper .