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  • slip dress
  1. 她最喜欢的装扮还有一条亚历山大&12539;王的裹胸吊带裙,这条裙子她买大好几个尺码。

    Another of her favorite looks was a long white Alexander Wang slip dress , which she bought a few sizes too big , that wraps under the bust .

  2. slip:肩带式女长内衣我是说,她可能说这话的时候穿着吊带裙。marten:貂鼠,貂皮definitely:肯定地和马丁靴,但她肯定说过。

    I mean , she may have been wearing a slip dress And doc martens at the time , but she definitely meant it . -

  3. 去年10月在巴黎举行的2014年春夏季时装秀上,斯特拉•麦卡特尼(Stellamccartney)用蕾丝边性感吊带裙与贴身女背心与挺括西服巧妙混搭。

    At the spring / summer 2014 collections shown in Paris in October , Stella McCartney mixed her crisp suiting with sensuous lace-trimmed slip dresses and camisoles .

  4. 吊带裙也是埃里亚尔・迪布勒伊喜欢的装扮。

    Slip dresses are another of Ms. Heriard Dubreuil 's go-tos .

  5. 网络美女的吊带裙时装秀!

    The network beauty 's first fashion show !

  6. 流光眼影,加上溢彩吊带裙,身亦如夏花般绚烂迷人。

    Women , in colorful skirts and tops , are as beautiful as flowers in summer .

  7. 清爽干净有简洁层次感的短发,是白色吊带裙的最佳搭配,也是夏日最适合的发型。

    Yu Na : Clean and fresh with simple layered short hair is best with a white Dress , summer is the most suitable hairstyle .

  8. 他上次来的时候,他看这瓶酒的样子跟你看到我穿吊带裙时的样子一模一样。

    The last time he was here , he was eyeing this bottle the same way you look at me when I wear that strappy sundress .