
hào zhāo lì; hào zhào lì
  • Appeal;rallying point;charisma;public appeal
  1. 尽管多数人都相信他的公共号召力,但很多评论者称他纠缠不清的私人生活将会是他成为首相的一大障碍&如果他有机会当选的话。

    While few doubt his public appeal , many commentators say his tangled private life would be an obstacle to his ever becoming prime minister .

  2. 利用宇宙中储量最丰富的元素做燃料,而燃烧产物又只有水这个想法虽颇具公众号召力,却面临许多实际问题。

    Utilising the most abundant element in the universe as an energy source while producing only water as waste has public appeal but many practical problems .

  3. 这部电影让他一举成为好莱坞最具票房号召力的明星。

    This movie made him the most bankable star in Hollywood .

  4. 她的号召力比戴安娜的可现代得多。

    Her appeal is more modern than diana 's.

  5. 这些有说服力的终极词汇主要有以下三类:“上帝词汇”(Godterms),“魔鬼词汇”(Devilterms)以及充满号召力的词汇(charismaticterms)。

    There are three general categories of persuasive Ultimate Terms : God terms , Devil terms , and charismatic terms .

  6. 全国广播公司(NBC)原本希望借助这位明星的号召力,通过电视剧《福克斯秀》(TheMichaelJ.FoxShow)大挣一笔。

    NBC was hoping to ride the star 's appeal all the way to the bank with The Michael J. Fox Show .

  7. 就宝马(BMW)的情况而言,“德国制造”这块招牌依然具有很强的号召力。今年第三季度,该公司销量再次创下纪录。

    The " Made in Germany " brand is alive and well at BMW , which recorded another sales volume record in the third quarter .

  8. FCE举办的旗舰展的主要特点是其对国际观众和展商的巨大号召力。

    FCE 's flagship show is the main features of its international exhibitors and the huge audience appeal .

  9. 不到10岁的秀兰•邓波儿在长达四年的时间里一直是最有票房号召力的明星。20世纪30年代晚期,她在20世纪福克斯公司(20thCenturyFox)每部电影中的片酬达到史无前例的5万美元。

    Before the age of 10 , Shirley Temple enjoyed four years as the top box-office draw in America , earning an unprecedented $ 50 , 000 per film from 20th Century Fox in the late 1930s .

  10. 澳大利亚数字媒体公司GoConnectLtd.的股价大幅回升。在这背后,杰克逊五兄弟演唱组(Jackson5)的明星号召力以及中国对《好声音》(TheVoice)的热爱是否起到了推动作用?

    Are Jackson 5 star power and China 's love of ' The Voice ' fueling a dramatic rally in shares of Australian digital media company GoConnect Ltd. ?

  11. 对于大多数NBA球迷来说,一支在过去十年的大部分时间里,既不在各种争议的边缘上,也不在冠军竞争的讨论中,它的球迷号召力是不够的。

    there just isn 't much mental real estate for most NBA fans when it comes to a team that has spent much of the past decade either on the fringes of contention or the fringes of relevance .

  12. Muqtadaal-Sadr是位年轻的牧师,拥有很强的号召力,长期以来一直被视为是危险的煽动叛乱的人。如今他和其他一些什叶派政治家呼吁关心同情逊尼派的诉求。

    Some Shia politicians , including Muqtada al-Sadr , a young cleric with a strong following who was long branded a dangerous firebrand , have even voiced sympathy with Sunni demands .

  13. 我们都很高兴看到好莱坞的明星们运用自己的影响力和号召力在做善事!

    We love it when Hollywood uses its power for good !

  14. 这个美丽的理想人人有工作对保守党工人有极大的号召力。

    This beautiful ideal-plenty of work-appealed strongly to the Tory workmen .

  15. 就职演讲具有极大的感染力、说服力、鼓动性和号召力。

    The language of inaugural speech is persuasive , encouraging and appealing .

  16. 为这本书找一个富有色彩并具号召力的名字

    Looking for a colorful and evocative title for the Book

  17. 他是当下中国最具票房号召力的男星之一。

    He is one of the most bankable actors in China now .

  18. 如今被仿冒的大多是一些在市场上有号召力的知名品牌。

    Most brands that are being counterfeited are well known and popular .

  19. 有号召力的人物、领袖、政治家等。

    A charismatic figure , leader , politician , etc.

  20. 重复可以加强演讲者对听众的情感号召力。

    Repetition strengthens the speaker / writer 's emotional appeal to their audience .

  21. 然而,在这样一个故土观念极重的地区,这种方案没有什么号召力。

    Yet this approach has little appeal in a region of strong local loyalties .

  22. 我们的号召力应体现出前瞻性、坚定性、激励性和参与性;

    Leadership of the Department will be visionary , decisive , motivating and participatory .

  23. 有些专家质疑新面孔在时装销售上的号召力。

    Some experts question the power a new face can command in selling fashion .

  24. 如果有强大的品牌号召力。

    If you have powerful brand rallying point .

  25. 工党要想在选举中获胜就必须扩大它的号召力。

    Labour had to widen its appeal if it was to win the election .

  26. 在南京甚至周边市民心目中,都是很有号召力的。

    In the Nanjing even peripheral resident mind , has the rallying point very much .

  27. 成龙是亚洲最受欢迎的演员,其票房号召力无与伦比。

    Chan is the most popular actor in asia , its box office appeal unparalleled .

  28. 拼字游戏比其它许多游戏更显出其广泛的号召力。

    More so than a lot of games , Scrabble seems to have universal appeal .

  29. 要想成为一个在全球有号召力的领袖人物,你需要学会如何握手。

    To be a global mover and shaker , learn how to shake hands effectively .

  30. 当时,苹果的电脑产品在消费者中已经失去了往日的号召力。

    Apple 's computers no longer elicited the passion among consumers that they once did .