
  • 网络Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport;TPE;RCTP
  1. 国外队请飞台湾桃园国际机场;中华台北高协将安排接机。

    The Transportation from Airport to the Hotel will be arranged by Chinese Taipei Golf Assocation .

  2. 台湾旅游局还声称,大陆赴台的旅行团数量在六、七月份骤降了47%,部分原因是在7月19日台湾桃园国际机场附近发生的旅游大巴起火事故,这场事故夺走了24名大陆游客的生命。

    The number of Chinese group tours was cut by 47 percent from June to July , partly because of fallout from a fatal bus fire near Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport that killed 24 mainland tourists on July 19 , according to the Taiwan tourism authority .