
  • 网络taipei main station;Taipei station;Taipei Railway Station
  1. 我在台北车站捷运站一号出口等。

    I 'm waiting at Taipei Main Station MRT , exit one .

  2. 苏菲亚:我快赶不上7时34分开往台北车站的那班火车了。

    Sophia : I 'm going to miss the7:34 train to Taipei Main Station .

  3. 从这里搭37路公车,坐3站到台北车站。

    Take No.37 bus from here three stops to the Taipei station .

  4. 从台北车站到本公司只要走一小段路。

    Our office is just a short walk from the Taipei Station .

  5. 台北车站是一个很大的转运站。

    Taipei main station is a big transportation .

  6. 我在台北车站捡到一个钱包,便将它送到失物招领中心。

    I found a purse at the Taipei train station and sent it to the lost service center .

  7. 上下班尖峰时间很难坐上捷运,尤其是台北车站。

    During rush hour , it can be hard to get on the MRT , especially at Taipei Main Station .

  8. 台北车站商圈是台北市铁路、路、铁和捷运等交通中心的枢纽。

    Taipei Main Railway Station is the city 's hub for the major railway , MRT , and hub lines of Taipei .