
kě wèi
  • one may well say;it may be said;it may be called;it may be said (called);why;well-nigh
可谓 [kě wèi]
  • (1) [it may be said (called)]∶可以说是;可以称为

  • (2) [why]∶何为

  • 管仲得行其知于国,国可谓乱乎?--《管子》

可谓[kě wèi]
  1. 老师对他的教育帮助可谓尽心尽力。

    It may be said that the teacher has done his very best to educate and help him .

  2. 鞋,在人们的日常生活中,可谓穿着首位。

    Shoe , in the daily life of people , it may be said is wearing the first place .

  3. 现在改变方向可谓愚蠢至极。

    It would be the height of folly to change course now .

  4. 对于公共部门的工作人员而言可谓祸不单行。

    This is a double whammy for public sector workers

  5. 这家备受欢迎的旅馆可谓名不虚传,你需要早早预订。

    You will have to book well in advance for this deservedly popular hotel

  6. 他的信跟他的诗一样,读来令生活更添滋味,可谓一大乐事。

    His letters , like his poetry , are life-enhancing and a delight .

  7. 他可谓是一个斗士,当然想赢。

    He is something of a fighter , and will certainly want to win .

  8. 在南非,贾尼可谓塘中无鱼虾为大。

    In South Africa , Jani was a big fish in a small pond .

  9. 芭蕾舞在人类的动作中可谓优雅至极。

    Ballet is the ultimate in human movement

  10. 考虑到霍布森不是科班出身的经济学家,他可谓是成就非凡。

    In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist his achievements were remarkable

  11. 对于那些失业的人而言,就业信息可谓是他们的生命线。

    Information about the job market can be a lifeline for those who are out of work

  12. 黑人的食物可谓五花八门:有辣味的秋葵汤,有豇豆,还有羽衣甘蓝叶。

    Soul food is a varied cuisine : it includes spicy gumbos , black-eyed peas , and collard greens .

  13. 我知道我的一些客户就为了少付我几英镑,可谓无所不用其极。

    I 've known clients of mine go to absurd lengths , just to avoid paying me a few pounds

  14. 我觉得英格兰可谓奇、绝、美。在我看来,伦敦在这些方面更为明显。

    I find England strange and unique and beautiful . And for me , London is the magnification of all that .

  15. 他的人物画在当时可谓登峰造极。

    His painting of people attained a level never known before .

  16. 他这番表演,真可谓淋漓尽致。

    He put on an act , which showed him up completely .

  17. 这机会可谓是千载难逢。

    This may be the chance of a life-time .

  18. 论能力,他可谓拔俗超群。

    He is head and shoulders above the others in ability .

  19. 他的进步可谓神速。

    We may well say that he 's made quick progress .

  20. 他画起马来真可谓得心应手。

    He is in his element when painting horses .

  21. 先生这番议论,真可谓振聋发聩。

    Your arguments , sir , would make a deaf man hear and a blind man see .

  22. 我正想找你,不料想你来了,可谓遇缘。

    It so happened that I was looking for you when you came , but coincidences do happen .

  23. 这个做工精美的公文包售价才74.25英镑,可谓物美价廉。

    The beautifully made briefcase is a snip at ? 74.25 .

  24. 它那璀灿优美的语言艺术,真可谓“天地妙文”。

    Its brilliant elegant lingual art can be called " Great works " .

  25. 就目前的情况而言,香港的人民币银行体系可谓微不足道。

    As things stand , Hong Kong 's renminbi banking system is minuscule .

  26. 需要笑脸迎人的上班生活可谓压力山大。

    Working life can be stressful , with all that smiling and all those expressions .

  27. 加入WTO,将更大程度地引入外国企业的竞争,对中国石油化工业可谓机遇和挑战并存。

    The competition from overseas enterprises will become fiercer after the WTO entry . There are both opportunities and challenges to China 's petroleum and chemical industry .

  28. 据称为了撰写此书,伊萨克森获得了大量独家素材,可谓前所未有,其中包括采访乔布斯本人、他的家人、他在苹果(Apple)的同事以及他的竞争对手。

    Isaacson reportedly has unprecedented access to pen the opus , including interviews with jobs , members of his family , as well as apple colleagues and competitors .

  29. 外商直接投资(FDI)一直是一个倍受国际经济学界研究关注的热点问题,相关的研究文献可谓是汗牛充栋。

    The Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) has always been a focal Problem in the international economic research , and the related literature is very rich .

  30. iPhone销量真可谓疯狂增长,要知道,在截至9月份的第三季度,苹果仅售出1710万部iPhone。

    The change is even more dramatic when you consider that Apple sold only 17.1 million iPhones in the quarter that ended in September .