- 网络the coca-cola company;coca-cola;Coca cola

The Coca-Cola Company 's long history of sponsoring major events , such as the Olympics , is a point of pride for the company .
Its vice chairs will be Walter Isaacson , the president of the Aspen Institute , and Muhtar Kent , the chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola Company .
I understand Coca-Cola are to be named as the new sponsors of the League Cup later this week
Coca-Cola had to adapt almost 300000 vending machines to accept the new coins .
Coca-Cola has launched its first major new Cola in nearly a decade : Coke Life .
Muhtar Kent is the present CEO of Coca Cola .
Once , he hoped his MBA would speed his rise at Coca-Cola .
Atlanta is the home to headquarters of many large companies such as Coca Cola and UPS .
I like Joe Tripodi from coke ( KO ) for CMO .
As SVP of the global sparkling brand center at Coca-Cola ( KO ) , Wendy Clark spends plenty of time studying young people .
In social media , coke is it .
Coca-Cola ( KO ) is one of the biggest brands to enter eSports .
This summer , Coca-Cola tested the use of a similar machine in Australia that collected sales and interacted with users by way of a digital LED screen and integrated camera .
On a practical level , Coke just rolled out its ' Share a Coke ' campaign , which has been introduced in China , Japan , Europe , and Russia .
During that same period , angry investors point out , Coca-Cola stock is up about 40 % .
Coca-Cola owns the second-largest coconut water brand , Zico .
Last year , Coca-Cola established its own set of social media guidelines and distributed them in a memo to all employees .
Coca Cola says the bottle ' looks , functions and recycles just like traditional PET plastic , but does so with a lighter footprint on the planet and its scarce resources . '
Coke is introducing Coca-Cola Life , a mid-calorie cola sweetened with a blend of stevia leaf extract and sugar , in the United States in September , according to a Beverage Digest report .
CCE also has used unusual packaging for Coca-Cola C2 , the new " mid-calorie cola " that combines corn syrup with artificial sweetener .
This icy new drinking vessel is shaped like the traditional glass Coke bottle and has the company 's name etched into the ice , according to Coca Cola 's website .
My friend and colleague at the Coca-Cola company , Ben Deutsch , is on the board of Covenant House of Georgia , and he asked me to join their annual sleep-out fundraiser .
Coca-Cola Co. now offers environmental hardship pay for employees who have relocated to China , where smog has reached harmful levels in several cities , the company said this week .
Coke is creating a joint venture with SABMiller begun in late 2014 , known as Coca-Cola Beverages Africa , which SAB would control .
Coke is touting the environmentally friendly nature of these melt-away bottles , but as ABC News points out , they require so much extra refrigeration that it basically cancels out the eco-friendly aspect .
While Dimon spoke about hiring and training the younger generation , his fellow panelist , Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent , spoke of the challenges in marketing to them .
The machine , which is sleek and resembles an Apple ( AAPL ) product more than anything else , situates itself as a direct competitor to Coca-Cola 's ( KO ) Freestyle .
Coca-Cola enjoyed its fastest growth in carbonated soft drinks for nearly a decade in the fourth quarter , as increased consumption in emerging markets offset decline in North America .
Muhtar Kent , coke chief executive , says that its flagship product had become an " affordable staple " for Chinese consumers .
But this year 's comes as companies ranging from Coca-Cola Co. and Procter & Gamble Co. are reconsidering how to reach out to a Chinese public spending increasing amounts of time online .