
  • 网络ancient civilization;Ancientcivilization
  1. 这些外国人对中国的古代文明惊叹不已。

    The foreigners were amazed at the ancient civilizations of China .

  2. 历史记忆是古代文明出现上升的阶梯。

    The history memory prepared for the developing of the ancient civilizations .

  3. 古籍是中国古代文明的重要历史标志之一。

    Ancient books are important historical landmark to Chinese ancient civilization .

  4. 论中国古代文明起源与形成的特点

    The Characteristics of the Origin and Formation of Chinese Ancient Civilization

  5. 该著作简略地提到古代文明的习俗。

    The work glances at the customs of ancient cultures .

  6. 士对中国古代文明进程具有极其重要的意义。

    Shi has extremely importance to the process of ancient Chinese civilization .

  7. 湖南是我国古代文明发达地区之一。

    Hunan province is one of developed regions of ancient Chinese civilizations .

  8. 古代文明进程中土地法律渊源初探

    Studying the source of ancient land laws in the process of civilization

  9. 我建议您买与我国古代文明密切相关的东西。

    I suggest you buy something closely related to our ancient civilization .

  10. 彩石制品是古代文明的记录。

    The color stonework was the ancient times civilization record .

  11. 它们是古代文明的工艺品,而不仅仅是建筑。

    They are artefacts of an ancient civilisation , not just buildings .

  12. 近代文明吸收了古代文明中一切有价值的东西,并使之面貌一新。

    Modern civilization recovered and absorbed whatever valuable in the ancient civilization .

  13. 中国是一个古老的国度,有着璀璨的古代文明。

    China is an ancient country and has a splendid ancient civilization .

  14. 略论中原古代文明的中心地位

    On the Core Position of Ancient Civilization of Central Plains

  15. 《洪范》&中国古代文明的活的灵魂

    Grand Law : The Living Soul of Ancient Chinese Civilization

  16. 挖掘古代文明的遗迹很有价值。

    It is valuable to dig for the vestiges of past civilizations .

  17. 汉语言文字对日本古代文明进程的影响

    The Impacts of Chinese Characters on the Evolution of Ancient Japanese Civilization

  18. 中国古代文明是一种农业社会文明。

    The ancient civilization of China is a kind of agricultural civilization .

  19. 其中,遗址是我国古代文明史迹的重要组成部分。

    Among them , the ruins are the important element of ancient civilization .

  20. 比布鲁斯也是许多古代文明的发源地。

    Byblos is another cradle of many ancient civilizations .

  21. 雅典宣言-古代文明遗产对现代世界的影响

    Declaration of Athens-The heritage of ancient civilization : Implications for the modern world

  22. 参观国家历史博物馆使人们想起了中国的古代文明。

    Visiting National Museum of History makes people think of Chinese ancient civilization .

  23. 考古学家们在那个地区发现了一些古代文明的遗迹。

    The archaeologists found some traces of an ancient civilization in that area .

  24. 中国史前城址与古代文明

    Prehistoric Walled Sites and the Ancient Civilization of China

  25. 中国古代文明持续发展与生态环境的关系

    On the relation between sustainable development of Chinese ancient civilization and ecologic environment

  26. 仰韶文化经历了由母系氏族社会逐步过渡到父系氏族社会的漫长历史长河,在中国古代文明起源中具有重要意义。

    It has an important significance of the origin of Chinese ancient civilization .

  27. 例句与用法:考古学家们在那个地区发现了一些古代文明的遗迹。

    The archaeologist find some trace of an ancient civilization in that area .

  28. 是世界上最伟大的古代文明之一。

    hosted one of the world 's great ancient civilizations along its shores .

  29. 我想说说一个驯养马匹的古代文明。

    I 'd like to talk about an ancient culture that domesticated horses .

  30. 古代文明又怎能获取到这些知识呢?

    How did an ancient civilization acquire such knowledge ?