
  1. 探讨了治学方法与成才的密切关系,归纳了古今学者的一些治学方法。

    Their relationship is discussed and some learning methodologies are summarized .

  2. 古今学者和教育家,都明确了阅读对写作的促进作用,并肯定和重视了读写的关系。

    Ancient and modern scholars and educator , all clearly read the promoting function for writing , to value and affirmation the literacy relationship .

  3. 一直以来,古今学者在该领域给予了较多关注,然而缺乏全面系统的研究。

    Therefore many scholars have been interested in this field and paid more attention on it for many years , but there is still short of entire and systemic study .

  4. 关于行针基本手法的分类方法,古今学者的说法存在着差别,至今尚未形成统一的标准。

    No matter in the past or now , scholars are always having different ideas on classification methods of needling fundamental manipulation , but the unified standardization is not yet formed .

  5. 古今学者对中国茶文化的研究可谓涉及了方方面面,其中有对茶史的研究、有对茶礼茶俗的研究、有对茶具茶馆的研究、还有对茶诗茶文的研究。

    The studies of tea culture by ancient and modern scholars have touched almost all aspects of tea culture including the study of tea history , tea ceremonies , teahouse , and tea poems .

  6. 泛指与特指是古今学者都非常关注的词义问题,他们从训诂学、词汇学、辞书学等多角度进行研究,在理论与实践两方面均取得了一定的成果。

    The ancient and modern scholars are both concerned about the semantic issues on general allegations and specific allegations , the studies from the exegesis , lexicology , lexicography and many other angles both in theory and practice have achieved certain results .

  7. 通过对具体事例的分析,窥探作者的思想、目的及历史观,并试图分析《左传》中部分史料的真实性及古今学者对该书作者的推测依据是否合理。

    Through the analysis of specific examples , spy on the idea , purpose and history , and attempts to analyze " Zuo Zhuan " part of the historical authenticity of the ancient and modern scholars speculate on the basis of the book is reasonable .

  8. 为了补充这方面的研究,本论文在汲取和参考中外古今学者的认知隐喻研究之后,分析了谚语及英汉谚语互译中的创造相似性隐喻,并尝试将所受启示运用于英语谚语式写作中。

    In order to bridge the gap , similarity-creating metaphors in proverbs as well as the translation of English and Chinese proverbs are emphatically analyzed by the author after absorbing and referencing the studies on cognitive metaphors by ancient and modern researchers at home and abroad .

  9. 古今西方学者有关刑罚之正当理由的思想理论主要有报应主义、工具主义、混合理论。报应主义从刑罚本质去研究刑罚,认为刑罚是对犯罪的报应,报应本身就是刑罚的目的;

    The theories about the warrant of punishment of the western criminal law scholars nowadays and in ancient times consist retributivism , instrumentalism and mixed theory .

  10. 古今众多学者认为中垒校尉统领其他七校,且这八校尉及其所率军队均属北军范围。

    Many scholars from the ancient time to the present hold that these eight officers as well as their troops belong to the North Army with Zhonglei as the general leader .

  11. 易经的出现的确是一个奇迹,它深深吸引了中国古今的大部分杰出学者的视线。

    The I Ching is a real miracle and it has occupied the attention of the most eminent scholars of China down to the present day .