
tǐ wù
  • know (or learn) from experience;have a thorough apprehension of
体悟 [tǐ wù]
  • [comprehend] 体验和领会

  • 体悟人生的至情至性

  1. 病后他体悟到生命的脆弱。

    After illness he became aware of the frailty of life .

  2. 我深刻体悟到我们的生活是多麽无所匮乏。

    Really opened my eyes to how spoiled our lifes are .

  3. 洪凌的作品显示出他对此深有体悟。

    Hong Ling 's works show his realization in this field .

  4. 他体悟到宣讲福音是他的使命。

    He realized that his calling was to preach the gospel .

  5. 个人语言与个人学习;走向体悟。

    The third part is involved in personal language and personal learning .

  6. 并将这些体悟急切的体现在自己的作品之中。

    And understanding the urgent reflected in his own works .

  7. 古丽通过她的绘画完成着她对生命的体悟。

    Gulistan 's insight into life can be found in her paintings .

  8. 基于默会认识论的体悟学习研究

    The Study of Learning Through Experience Based Tacit Epistemology

  9. 她们以女性特有的敏感,生动地展露出在时下的内心体悟。

    They express their inner feelings vividly in nowadays with the female-specific sensitization .

  10. 这些都妨碍了人们去洞察、体悟生活的本质。

    Which hinder the people to insight , understanding the nature of life .

  11. 传统文化之体悟&武术教学方法的另一种解读

    The Feeling of Traditional Culture & A new Thought About Teaching of Wushu

  12. 体悟生命画为心声&中国画创作观念的哲学初探

    A Discussion on the Philosophy in Chinese Painting Creation

  13. 那是他们生活经历及对境遇体悟的成果。

    Its the fruit of their life experiences and understanding of their surroundings .

  14. 体悟:对武术的解释

    Experience & perception : the interpretation of Wushu

  15. 重视体悟的思维观念。

    Paying attention to thinking concept of sense .

  16. 人生之谜和超验之美&体悟《红楼梦》

    Enigma of Life and Beauty of Transcendent Experience A Dream of Red Mansions ;

  17. 直面自然体悟生命之美&《情系故土》赏析

    Face the Nature and Feel the Beauty of Life & Analysis of Miss Homeland

  18. 而通往精神家园的体悟之路也恰恰是庄子的诗性智慧所在。

    The road to the spiritual homeland is where Zhuang Zi 's poetic wisdoms .

  19. 教师叙事:在实践中体悟生命

    Teacher 's Narration : Experiencing Life in Practice

  20. 课程目标一体化与体悟教学

    The Unity of Curriculum Goals and Perceptive Teaching

  21. 在生命的实践中体悟大乘佛法

    Mahayana Enlightenment Comes Only out of Living Practice

  22. 绿色荒野的生命体悟

    Perception of the Living in the Green Wilderness

  23. 孟尝君体悟这道理是不错的,就听从了冯的劝谏。

    Meng Chang recognized the truth of Feng huan 's words and took his advice .

  24. 上帝&体悟美国文化的钥匙

    God-The Key of Understanding of American Civilization

  25. 这三者均统一在“体悟言说之外的生存底蕴”这样一个核心主题之上。

    The three unite into the center theme : 'appreciate living implications beyond speech ' .

  26. 人生导师的体悟是相当近代的文化发展。

    is a quite recent cultural development .

  27. 我从中体悟到,自己今后想要为社会性企业打造量身定制的方案。

    From this I learnt that I wanted to create customised solutions for social enterprises .

  28. 它要求我们超越形躯,而体悟大道。

    It requires us to look beyond the form footer , and understanding the Avenue .

  29. 中国山水画是心灵化的艺术,注重个体心灵的体悟。

    Chinese landscape painting is the soul of the art of focus on individual spiritual understanding .

  30. 对实践过程中的体悟的记录与成果展示是我论文的论述脉络。

    To connect records and results of practice show is one of my paper is discussed .