
  • 网络oral vocabulary;Colloquial words
  1. 英语口语词汇对语音意识和字母知识具有显著的预测作用,字母知识和英语语音意识对于英语口语词汇具有显著的预测作用。

    Oral vocabulary predicted significantly phonological awareness and letter knowledge , and letter knowledge and phonological awareness predicted significantly oral vocabulary .

  2. 结果发现,汉语学前儿童的英语语音意识和字母知识、语音意识和口语词汇、以及字母知识和口语词汇之间都具有显著的相关关系;

    The results showed that the correlations between phonological awareness and letter knowledge , phonological awareness and oral vocabulary , letter knowledge and oral vocabulary were all significant .

  3. 根据对非四级BNC口语词汇的研究,本文提供了一些四级词汇不包括的BNC抽样口语词汇作为大学英语口语词汇的补充。

    Based on the research , a tentative supplementary word list is offered for college oral English teaching for non-English majors .

  4. 扩展字典文件来包括大量常用口语词汇并测试Sphinx-4的实时转录质量。

    Expand the dictionary file to include tens of thousands of commonly spoken words and test Sphinx-4 's real time transcription qualities .

  5. 儿童口语词汇获得年龄效应

    Study on age of acquisition of children 's spoken words

  6. 关注汉语口语词汇与书面语词汇的研究

    Concern to Be Shown with Study of Oral and Written Chinese Vocabulary

  7. 英语口语词汇学习的语料库方法探讨

    The Acquisition of Spoken English Vocabulary : A Corpus-Based Approach

  8. 汉语儿童英语口语词汇与阅读学习的关系

    The Relation between Vocabulary and Reading in English Learner of Mandarin-speaking Children

  9. 口语词汇与书面语词汇教学研究

    Teaching of vocabulary of the spoken and written Chinese language

  10. 英语专业学生口语词汇变化的趋势与特点

    A longitudinal study on the changes in speaking vocabulary by English majors in China

  11. 在阅读中,我总是弄不清惯用语、俚语和口语词汇。

    When reading , I 'm always confused with idioms , slang and colloquial words .

  12. 词汇联想与中国英语学习者的词汇习得英语口语词汇学习的语料库方法探讨

    Word Association and Chinese EFL Learners Lexical Development ; The Acquisition of Spoken English Vocabulary : A Corpus-Based Approach

  13. 它是一个口语词汇,用来指阿拉斯加的一种重力风,这种强风对当地的渔民非常危险。

    Williwaw is a colloquial word for a katabatic wind in Alaska , where the strong winds can be dangerous for local fishermen .

  14. 本文着重讨论分析了在各个不同的教学阶段口语词汇教学与书面语词汇教学的重点、难点以及所采取的相应的教学对策。

    On this basis , the paper analyses emphatically the focal points , difficulties and strategy in the teaching of spoken and written Chinese words and phases in different phases .

  15. 本研究以北京市两所普通幼儿园3~6岁共122名儿童为被试,运用测验法对英语语音意识、字母知识、口语词汇之间的关系进行了考察。

    With 122 preschoolers between the ages of 3 and 6 from two general kindergartens as subjects , the study explored the interrelationship between the phonological awareness , letter knowledge , and oral vocabulary .

  16. 3.1000个高频词覆盖了超过99.9%的低水平学习者的口语词汇,但是口语水平与高频词使用并无直接关系。

    The top 1000 high frequency words cover over 99.9 % of low level speakers ' speech vocabulary , but the use of high frequency words is not directly related to learners ' general oral proficiency . 4 .

  17. 文章在详尽占有资料的基础上,从《朱子语类》中挑选了20个口语词汇加以考察,旨在为《汉语大词典》和诸种近代汉语词典的编纂修订提供有价值的材料和意见。

    On the basis of a careful investigation of 20 selected vernacular expressions from The Analects of Zhuxi , this article attempts to provide valuable materials and views for reference to the compilation of varied modern Chinese dictionaries such as the Great Dictionary of the Chinese Language .

  18. 对目前对外汉语口语课词汇教学中游戏的类型、规则和变化进行了总结和评价,指出了课堂游戏教学的效果,存在的问题及改进方法。

    The thesis surmises and evaluates the game forms , rules and changes in the oral class of teaching Chinese as a foreign language . The effects , problems and approaches how to improve are stated .

  19. 英语专业学生口语产出性词汇发展的实验研究

    An Empirical Study on the Development of English Majors ' Oral Productive Vocabulary

  20. 本文从口语教学、词汇教学、阅读教学三个方面探讨了教师的主要作用。

    This article discusses the teachers main function in the spoken English teaching , vocabulary and reading teaching .

  21. 学者们对二语学习者的书面语及口语中的词汇丰富性开展了多项调查研究。

    A number of empirical studies have been carried out to explore the diversity of vocabulary in written and spoken texts of second language learners .

  22. 主要有几点:汉语借词已经渗入到满语口语的基本词汇当中,有相当一部分基本词汇已经转用汉语借词。

    The main points are : the borrowed Chinese words have permeated into the basic word stock of oral language , not a few of which have been transformed into the borrowed words ;

  23. 对外汉语口语课中的词汇教学问题

    Vocabulary Teaching in Oral Class in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

  24. 中国学习者英语口语词汇量及常用词汇研究&基于英语口语语料库的词目研究

    Vocabulary Size and Common Vocabulary of Chinese Learners ' Spoken English : A Corpus-based Study of Lemma

  25. 第五部分是汉语桥比赛对对外汉语教学的启示,主要体现在语音、口语、汉字、词汇等四方面。

    The fifth part is the revelation of the " Chinese Bridge " Competition for Foreign teaching Chinese .

  26. 学生没有足够的机会练习英语口语,所学词汇得不到及时巩固。

    Students have not enough opportunity to practice their oral English so that the words they have learned have not been consolidated .

  27. 英语日常口语在语音、词汇、句法及冗余信息四个方面有自己的特点,是构成真实听力的重要部分。

    Everyday spoken English has its own features in the aspects of sounds , vocabulary , syntax and redundancy , and it is an important part of authentic listening .

  28. 从语言面貌上看,汉魏以后口语中新生的词汇现象与语法现象,都在书中有面广量大的反映,因此奠定了全书的古白话基础。

    In terms of its linguistic features , neologisms and new grammatical features from the Han and Wei onwards are evident in the novel , and thus form the basis of ancient vernacular Chinese for the book .

  29. 由于寒山诗歌比较真实地反映了当时的语言面貌,对于了解唐代口语的语音、词汇、语法,对于研究中古和近代汉语,对于研究汉语发展史,都是异常珍贵的资料。

    Its actual reflection of the language features then makes it a very precious material not only for understanding the phonetics , vocabulary and grammar of colloquial language in Tang dynasty , but also for studying middle ancient and modern Chinese as well as the developing history of Chinese language .

  30. 众多研究表明,这种现象大多由于学生们口语练习太少,口语词汇欠缺,或者常用的口语词组运用不熟练。

    Many researches have showed that this phenomenon is because of a shortage of practice , a lack of vocabulary , or unskillful use of frequently-used expressions .