
kǒu gòng; kǒu gōng
  • a testimony;a confession;a deposition;a statement made by the accused under examination;affidavit;verbal
口供 [kǒu gòng]
  • [affidavit;confession] 受审者口头陈述的供词

口供[kǒu gòng; kǒu gōng]
  1. 警方用刑逼我口供。

    The police used torture to extort a confession from me .

  2. 我担心她给我的口供。

    I care about a confession she freely gave me that .

  3. 小偷声称警方逼迫他作假口供。

    The thief alleged that the police forced him to make a false confession .

  4. 警察得到了他们的口供。

    The policeman had their confession .

  5. 他的口供是屈打成招,不足为证。

    His confession was forced out of him and can 't be used as evidence .

  6. 他们是在同病相怜还是在合对口供

    Were they commiserating or comparing notes ?

  7. 核心舱有3个对接口和2个停泊口。对接口用于载人飞船、货运飞船等飞行器访问空间站,停泊口用于两个实验舱与核心舱连接,另有一个出舱口供航天员出舱活动。

    The module is equipped with three docking hatches reserved for visiting manned or cargo locations used to connect with space laboratories .

  8. n.证实;口供据医学宣称,该国的国民健康正在进步中。

    testimony According to the testimony of the medical profession , the health of the mation is improving .......

  9. 口供中心主义之辩

    The Defence for Principle on Confession 's Central Position in Evidences

  10. 不是落口供,是一般查问。

    It 's not an investigation * Just a few questions .

  11. 摘要任意性和真实性是口供的两个基本特征。

    Arbitrariness and truthfulness are two basic characteristics of oral confession .

  12. 其次论述口供与补强规则的关系。

    Secondly discuss the relationship of oral and rule of corroborative .

  13. 他承认自己给我们假口供。

    And he admitted that he gave us a false confession .

  14. 反正他现在说的我们不能拿来做口供。

    We can 't use anything he says right now anyway .

  15. 试论口供证据价值功能的五大原则

    Five Principles of Oral Statement Evidence Value in Criminal Proceedings

  16. 戴安赫斯利和他儿子被带去录口供了。

    Diane Huxley and her son were brought in to be debriefed .

  17. 应确立口供相对任意性的采证规则

    On Establishing the Admissible Regulation on Arbitrary Character of an Oral Confession

  18. 这倒和旅馆经理的口供一致。

    That 's consistent with the hotel manager 's statement .

  19. 我们有受害者原始的口供。

    And we have the original statement from the vic .

  20. 警方昨日无法录口供。

    Police were unable to take a statement from him .

  21. 当警察开始录口供时,她指控我爸谋杀。

    When the cops started asking questions , she accused my dad .

  22. 解读零口供规则

    The Interpretation of ″ the Rule of Zeroing the Accused Statement ″

  23. 你们的口供和去年完全一样

    It 's almost exactly what you said last year ...

  24. 我们从医生那拿到了病历和口供。

    We have charts and a statement from the doctor .

  25. 你确定不要再改你的口供了吗?

    Are you sure you don 't want to change your story ?

  26. 我要帮他们准备明天的口供

    I 'm prepping them for a deposition for tomorrow .

  27. 口供补强证据规则研究

    Research on Rules Regulating the Corroborative Evidence of Confession

  28. 你的口供中说你觉得有人在跟踪�

    In your statement , it says you believe someone is following you .

  29. 他说出这些口供,是为了让警察产生错觉。

    He made these confessions to lead the police up the garden path .

  30. 我已经向你录过口供了,警官。

    I already gave you my statement , sheriff .