- 网络crystalloblastic texture;blastic texture

Analysis showed that the main type of structure in argillite was crystalloblastic texture , which contains granular mineral aggregates made of quartz crystal , and schistose mineral aggregates made of the crystals of kaolinite , muscovite and clinochlore .
The silicalite , characterized by micro fine granular blastic texture , is closely associated with lead , zinc , silver and gold mineralization .
The Pl-lherzolite differs from the cumulates in having blastic texture and high-temperature deformed fabric of Ng [ 100 ] characteristic of the mantle peridotite and yielding orthopyroxene .
The samples are mainly massive , porphyritic and banded structures .
The ore mainly has cyclopean granular texture and massive and laminar structures .
The main texture of ore is mosaic granuloblastic and the structure is massive and streaky .
Ores have columnar crystalloblastic fabric , lepidoblastic texture , inclusion texture , impregnation structure and block texture .
The granulite always contains some hypersthene and > 10 % of plagioclase and possesses the granoblastic texture and granulitic structure .
Ore textures are mainly blastic and metasomatic - infilling crystallization . Ore structures are mainly block , crumb , veinlet and disseminated .
There are mainly microcrystalline , cataclastic , disseminated and massive structure , the oxidized ores mainly have banded , veinlet , veined-network structure .
The texture of jadeite jade can be classified into three types according to their geological origin : crystalloblastic texture , replacement texture , deformation texture .
Ore than major structural change in the structure of granular texture 、 false account of the structure 、 ring structure 、 and a half from the shape-it is shaped structure ; the main structure with block structure 、 the infection-like structure and fine vein structure .