
  • 网络Pressure part
  1. 通过对预热器结构特点和受压元件焊接接头特点的分析,制定了一套切实可行的焊接工艺,确保了预热器的焊接质量。

    By meams of the analysis of the preheater structural characteristic and the welded joint characteristics of the pressure part , we have established a set of practical feasible welding procedure and ensured the welding quality of the preheater .

  2. 基于AutoCAD压力容器受压元件三维图库的开发

    Development of 3D drawing library of pressure part in pressure vessel based on AutoCAD

  3. 在分析各种材料性能后,设计一个通用表格,综合运用数据库技术,开发了一个基于Access数据库的锅炉、压力容器的主要受压元件管理及其报表系统。

    A new management and report form system for the main pressed components in boiler and pressure vessel were developed based on the access databank after analyzing various material properties and designing a current form .

  4. 锅炉受压元件的应力分类及强度设计分析

    On the Stress in the Shells of Boilers and Stress Classification

  5. 化学工业炉受压元件强度计算规定

    Regulation for strength calculation on pressure parts for chemical process furnace

  6. 对96版《锅规》在受压元件上开孔规定的分析

    Analysis of the Requirements for the Openings on Pressure Parts

  7. 对锅炉受压元件焊接接头冷弯试验的分析

    An anal ysis of cold bending tests of boiler pressure parts welded jojnts

  8. 锅炉受压元件的高温蠕变-疲劳寿命设计计算方法

    Creep-Fatigue Life Design and Calculation Method for Boiler Pressure Elements Under Elevated Temperature

  9. GB/T16508-1996锅壳锅炉受压元件强度计算

    Strength calculation of pressure parts for shell boilers

  10. 水管锅炉受压元件开孔补强方法探讨

    An approach to reinforced method for hole-opening on pressure component of water tube boilers

  11. 螺旋板是螺旋板换热器的主要受压元件。

    The spiral plate is the main pressurized element in the spiral-plate heat exchanger .

  12. 受压元件重大设计更改资料;

    Major design change data of pressure parts ;

  13. 锅炉、压力容器的主要受压元件管理及其报表系统

    Management and Report Form System for the Main Pressed Components in Boiler and Pressure Vessel

  14. 主要受压元件强度计算书

    Strength calculation sheets for main pressurized components

  15. 主要受压元件材质证明书

    Material mill certificates for main pressurized components

  16. 电站锅炉高温受压元件蠕变和低周疲劳寿命损伤计算及在线监测

    Calculation and Monitoring of Creep and Low Cycle Fatigue Life Expenditure of Power Plant Boiler 's Pressurized Components

  17. 深受弯梁拉压杆模型的非线性有限元分析化学工业炉受压元件制造技术条件

    Nonlinear finite element analysis of deep flexural beam strut-and-tie model Technical specification of shop fabrication for pressure parts of chemical furnace

  18. 超超临界锅炉是今后我国火电建设的发展趋势,蒸汽压力和温度的提高对受压元件金属材料的焊接工艺提出了特殊的要求。

    Ultra supercritical boiler is a direction for thermal power , Weld technology are required especially because of increasing in steam pressure and temperature .

  19. 但将非受压元件焊接受压元件时所用的填充金属,应与受压元件的标称化学组成相配。

    However , for attaching nonpressure parts to pressure parts , the filler metal chemistry shall match the nominal chemistry of the pressure part .

  20. 介绍了根据GB922288《水管锅炉受压元件强度计算》而开发的实用软件系统的设计思想。

    Introduces the main ideas of the software system that is developed from China GB9222-88 ( Strength calculation of pressure parts for water tube boiler ) .

  21. 着重介绍了设计中主要参数的确定,容器类别的划分,主要受压元件的计算和结构设计。

    The design basis includes the main parameters , the type of vessel , the design of structure and the calculation of the main pressure elements .

  22. 对96年版《蒸汽锅炉安全技术监察规程》在受压元件上开孔规定进行了详细的分析。

    This article analyses in details the requirements for the openings on pressure parts written in 《 Safety Technical and Supervisary Specification of Steam Boiler 》( Edition . 96 ) .

  23. 在锅炉检验工作过程中,通过认真找出受压元件腐蚀的部位,分析其产生的原因,达到消除和避免这种缺陷的目的。

    In the boiler inspection , the causes are analyzed through carefully finding out the corrosion positions on thecomponents in compression , so as to eliminate and avoid such defects .

  24. 加氢设备制造过程中,经常遇到受压元件表面大面积锻造黑皮的现象,但是能够修复回用的事例未见报导。

    In the process of manufacture for hydrogenation equipment , it often meet with the phenomenon that there are a large area black-skin over a forging 's pressured component , but no news about repairing black-skin until now .

  25. 对一起锅炉水冷壁管爆管事故进行了分析,探讨了炉膛受压元件的外部均匀腐蚀的原因并提出预防措施。

    Taking an accident of blast out of a boiler water-wall tube as on example , the article discussed the cause of the external uniform corrosion of the fire-side of pressurized water-wall tubes of a boiler and its preventive measures .

  26. 在对设计标准没有覆盖的受压元件进行设计计算时,为了保证设计的安全性,也必须使用应力分类的概念。

    In order to ensure the safety of the pressure vessels , it is necessary to use the method of stress classification in designing the pressurized components for which there is no calculation method supplied in the standard and code .

  27. 给出了电站锅炉高温受压元件蠕变和低周疲劳寿命损伤的计算方法,扼要介绍了寿命损伤在线监测的基本原理、技术关键、使用范围和实际的应用情况。

    The way of calculating , creep and low cycle fatigue life expenditure of pressurized parts , is being presented , together with a concise explanation of the principal fundamentals concerning on-line life expenditure monitoring , key techinques concerned , scope of application and practical experiences .

  28. 本文经过分析、比较,就JB4732-95标准中受压元件&封头的形状偏差控制规定给出了修改意见,并对实际制作中的控制参数提出建议。

    In this article , on the basis of the analysis and comparison , the view-points to revise the provision for controlling the head shape tolerance in the standard JB4732 - 95 were presented . Then , the appropriate controlled pa-rameters in practical manufacture were proposed .