
fǎn shè miàn
  • catopter;reflector
反射面[fǎn shè miàn]
  1. FAST主反射面自动控制系统

    The Arithmetic Control System of Active Reflector for FAST

  2. 基于以太网的FAST主动反射面控制系统的开发

    The Development of Control System for Active Reflector of FAST Based on Ethernet

  3. FAST反射面促动器声学性能预测及分析

    Acoustical character prediction and analysis of actuators under reflecting surface of FAST

  4. 共反射面元(CommonReflectionSurface,CRS)叠加是一种不依赖于宏观速度模型的零炮检距剖面成像方法。

    Common reflection surface ( CRS ) stack is a macro-model independent seismic imaging method .

  5. 据此,就三维地震反射面接收,本文对三维倾斜界面以及各向异性对P波时距特征的影响做计算讨论。

    This thesis attempts to evaluate the effects of a 3D dipping interface within anisotropic media for the time-distance features of reflected P-wave .

  6. 反射面结构是FAST最主要部分,其本质上是一个轻型的跨度超大、形式复杂、形状实时可调的高精度索网结构。

    The reflector structure as the main part of FAST is essentially a lightweight and complex cable-net structure with a super-long span and a real-time adjustable shape .

  7. 第一次发现具有侧反射面不稳定腔的损耗随费涅耳数N呈周期性变化。

    The periodic properties of the diffraction losses of the unstable resonators with regard to the Fresnel number N are obtained for the first time .

  8. FDTD方法在等离子体反射面天线和飞行器返航通讯时的黑障问题的研究中也有应用。

    FDTD method is also effective in investigating the problems of Plasma mirror based radar antenna and Re-entry communication blackout .

  9. 复杂地表条件下共反射面元(CRS)叠加方法研究

    Common reflection surface stack for rugged surface topography

  10. 根据大射电望远镜(FAST)反射面系统的要求,引入一种新颖轻巧的反射面支承结构方案&张拉整体体系。

    According to the requirements of the five hundred meter aperture spherical telescope ( FAST ) project , a novel , simple and light structure , tensegrity system , is proposed for the FAST reflector supporting structure .

  11. 本文首先介绍了反射面天线的基本理论和两种反射面天线最常用的分析方法:几何光学法(GO)和物理光学法(PO)。

    Firstly , the basic theory of reflector antenna and two widely used analysis and calculation methods , i.e. geometrical optics ( GO ) and physical optics ( PO ), are introduced .

  12. 通过对共反射面元双曲型时距关系式进行泰勒二阶展开,求得CRS叠加公式。

    The CRS stack formula is deduced by second order Tailor expansion of CRS hyperbolic time-distance relationship .

  13. 目前,网状反射面天线被广泛应用于卫星通信的宇宙飞船、遥感和VLBI中。

    Currently mesh reflector antennas are utilized onboard the spacecraft for satellite communications , remote sensing and VLBI applications .

  14. 在理论上,对Vlasov天线和反射面式COBRA天线进行了一系列研究。

    Theoretically , a series of aspects about the Vlasov antenna and COBRA are studied in detail .

  15. 本文采用了面可视化的基本算法思想,在三维数据场中将地震反射面抽取出来,然后运用OpenGL进行三维图形的绘制。

    The idea of this article is based on surface visualization , the reflection surfaces are drawed out from 3D seismic data sets , and portrayed with OpenGL .

  16. 其结果造成在CDP道集或共反射面元叠加时,由于各道的不一致性而影响叠加效果,使信噪比和分辨率不能得到有效提高。

    They will influence the effect of CDP gathers or bin stacking because of the non-uniformity of each trace .

  17. 本文把非线形有限元分析与智能材料和H∞混合灵敏度控制方法相结合,建立了更切合实际的空间大型网状天线反射面在轨振动控制的模型。

    This paper combines the nonlinear finite element method analysis with the smart structure and the H ~ . Mixed-Sensitivity control method . Build the more actual model of the large mesh shape antenna reflector 's online control .

  18. FAST反射面全球面张拉索网体系属于特大型空间结构体系,其风振响应对望远镜正常工作的影响不可忽略,本文在已有研究成果的基础上进行了FAST反射面结构风振响应分析。

    The Cable Network for Supporting FAST Reflector is a large-scale spatial structure , The response induced by fluctuating wind should not be ignored . A detail numerical analysis of the wind response of FAST Reflector structure is conducted in this paper .

  19. 基于不同网格形式的反射面天线方向图分析STL格式文件的四边形网格剖分与网格光顺

    Far field pattern numerical analysis of reflector antenna based on different grid forms Quadrilateral Mesh Generation Based on STL File Format Model and Mesh Smoothing

  20. 用PTD分析双弯曲反射面天线形变和穿孔的辐射特性

    Analysis of the Radiation Characteristics of the Doubly Curved Reflector Antenna with Surface Distortion and Holes Using PTD

  21. 文中用谱域分析法对十字形振子阵FSS的特性进行了分析计算,并应用于天线罩或低RCS反射面天线中。

    The FSS of cross dipoles has been analysed and calculated by the Spectral-Domain approach and applied to the antenna radome or low RCS reflector antenna .

  22. 椭圆口径面反射面天线辐射远场的Fourier-Bessel展开分析方法

    A Fourier-Bessel method for calculation of far-field of an elliptical aperture reflector antenna

  23. 利用平面电磁波的上行波场U和下行波场D在反射面上的相位关系特征,可把地震偏移技术中U/D成像理论引入到MT法数据处理中。

    Upgoing / downgoing wave image theory in seismic migration can be introduced into magnetotelluric data processing in terms of the phase relation between upgoing and downgoing plane eletromagnetic waves on a reflection interface .

  24. SKA可以利用贵州喀斯特洼地作为主反射面支撑条件及候选台址,并在贵州全省建造由40余个单元天线组成的射电望远镜阵。

    The SKA would be composed of over 40 antennas in Guizhou Province .

  25. 研制了一种由高功率宽带模式转换结构、导电线框TEM喇叭馈电结构及抛物反射面构成的天线,用其辐射高功率亚纳秒电磁脉冲。

    An antenna was developed to radiate high power , sub nanosecond EM pulse , which consists of a high power wideband mode convertor , a wire frame TEM horn feedback set and a parabolic reflector .

  26. 讨论了适用于PAL电视制式的转镜-振镜结构激光扫描系统,计算了转镜的面数和转速、反射面长度间的关系。

    The polygon-mirror laser scanning system for PAL standard TV was discussed . The relationships between the polygon facet number and its rotating speed , the reflection facet length were presented .

  27. 利用频率选择表面(FSS)代替普通金属面构成选频反射面隐身天线。

    By means of frequency selective surface ( FSS ) instead of metallic surface , a stealthy reflector antenna with small radar cross section ( RCS ) is constructed .

  28. 本文在全面综合现有国内外研究成果的基础上,首次系统深入地研究了大型空间天线反射面在轨H∞鲁棒控制系统的作动器/传感器配置和反馈增益一体化优化设计问题。

    Based on the completely synthesizing the available research results , the optimization of actuators / sensors placement and feedback gains of the H ~ . control system at orbit for Large Space Mesh Antenna Reflector is dealed with deeply and systemically for the first time .

  29. 最后,根据双弯曲反射面赋形波束天线的相关计算理论和本天线的设计要求,对天线的综合设计方程进行了推导,设计出软件计算框图,在MATLAB环境下,计算出反射面的形状。

    At last , based on the computational theory of shaped-beam doubly curved reflector antenna and the designing requirements , the computational formulas are conducted in all details and the computing software diagram is designed . In MATLAB environment , the shape of the reflector is calculated .

  30. 应用反射面天线基本理论与几何光学理论,得到了波束在Vlasov准光模式变换器中传输的变化规律。

    With the basic theory of reflector antennas and the geometrical optics , the law of the beam transmission in the Vlasov quasi-optical mode converter is obtained .