
fǎn kuì zuò yònɡ
  • Feedback effect;back donation
  1. B级网络考试对大学英语教学的反馈作用

    The Backwash Effects of Network Test in Level B on College English Instruction

  2. vanderPol振子在负反馈作用下的动力性态分析

    The Dynamical Behaviour Analysis of the van Der Pol Oscillator with the Negative Feedback

  3. ACTH对组织浸液活性的反馈作用

    The Feedback Effect of ACTH on Tissue Extract Activity

  4. 进而利用LMI设计广义系统在分散状态反馈作用下具有完整性的容错控制器;

    Further the fault-tolerant decentralized state feedback controllers with integrity are presented using LMI method .

  5. 能力需求计划(CRP)是ERP的一个重要组成部分,它在ERP中起着重要的反馈作用。

    The CRP ( Capacity requirements planning ) is one part of ERPsystem , which plays an important feedback role in ERP .

  6. 成年男性体内血清抑制素B水平与FSH呈显著负相关,对FSH起负反馈作用。

    Serum inhibin B levels are significantly negatively correlated with the serum FSH levels in males , exerting a negative feedback on FSH secretion .

  7. 综述了FACE条件下,农田土壤植物生物量质量变化和土壤微生物对植物的反馈作用,以及土壤痕量气体排放的趋势变化。

    This paper summarizes the results about soil organic microbe ( SOM ) reaction , and the relationship of SOM between plant residue and effects of soil trace gases emission in the free air CO_2 enrichment .

  8. 去卵巢、雌激素处理鼠在间歇饥饿时仍呈现性激素对LH分泌的正反馈作用。

    Positivefeedback of sex steroids on LH secretion could also be demonstrated in oestrogen primed ovariectomized rats during intermittent starvation .

  9. 最后得出长期调整因素ECM对建筑工程造价的波动具有一定的负反馈作用。

    At last , it draws a conclusion that long-term adjustment factor ECM has a reverse adjustment function on construction cost fluctuation .

  10. 研究结果提示,长期大运动量递增负荷训练可使血清皮质酮水平升高,脑组织GR含量下降,减弱了对糖皮质激素的敏感性,使HPA轴的反馈作用降低。

    It suggests that long-term incremental training load can increase the level of serum corticosterone , while the content of GR in brain cytosol decreases .

  11. 发情周期中ERα与PRL和LH的表达量相一致,提示雌激素对腺垂体生殖相关激素的反馈作用主要是通过ERα介导。

    During estrous cycle The expression of ER α consistent with PRL . Suggest the feedback function of estrogen on adenohypophysis reproductive related hormones secretion is mainly mediated by ER α .

  12. 由于P-Q伺服阀内部的压力反馈作用,使得采用P-Q伺服阀控制的被动式加载系统能取得较好的抑制多余力效果。

    The passive loading system controlled by P-Q servo-valve can eliminate superfluous force because of the Pressure feedback of P-Q servo-valve .

  13. LTC登陆后保持一定强度,并从外界获得热量和水汽补充来支持积云对流发展,而积云对流对LTC的维持具有正反馈作用。

    LTC would draw heat and vapor from outside of the cyclone that would help LTC to develop cumulus convection in its circulation .

  14. 由于VCSELs圆形输出端口和弱的各项异性使得其在光反馈作用下呈现更为复杂的非线性动力学特性。

    Because of the round output port and the weak anisotropy of VCSELs , the VCSELs have more complex nonlinear dynamics with the optical feedback .

  15. 在鱼类性腺发育成熟和排放过程中,性腺产生的性类固醇激素通过反馈作用来协调脑垂体促性腺激素(GtH)适量的合成与释放。

    The steroid hormone , produced by gonad , regulates the forming and release of GtH through feedback effect during the development and maturation of gonads in fish .

  16. 通过对半导体激光器(LD)的损耗和阈值电流特性的分析,引入等效反射系数的概念,根据多光束干涉的原理,导出了在外腔反馈作用下LD的阈值电流公式。

    Through the analysis of the loss and threshold characteristics of a laser diode ( LD ), the threshold current density of LD with external feedback is calculated , according to the theory of multi-beam interference and the definition of equivalent reflection factor .

  17. 性类固醇激素对性腺发育期间的鱼类促性腺激素(GTH)分泌有负反馈作用,而对性未成熟的鱼类GTH分泌有正反馈作用。

    Sex steroids have a negative feedback effect on gonadotropin ( GTH ) release at sexually development stage , while have a positive feedback effect on GTH release at immature stage .

  18. 南海季风低压是通过积云对流和大尺度环境场的反馈作用而发展增强的,可认为,CISK机制是低压发生发展的主要机制。

    The development of the depression attributes to the feedback between cumulus convection and the largescale environment field . The genesis and development of the depression can be explained by CISK mechanism .

  19. 开环OKN方法由于消除了负反馈作用的影响并可对不同部位视网膜刺激,故有较好的应用前景。

    ( iv ) . Applications of OKN with open loop condition are more valuable for diagnosis of binocular function due to the elimination of feed back effect and fixed stimulus for local retina .

  20. 此外,细胞都有自动调节的能力,通过体内的正、负反馈作用来实现。

    In addition , cells have the capabilities of auto regulation .

  21. 流体阻尼器中粘性发热的反馈作用与热平衡研究

    Feedback Effect of Viscous Heating and Heat Balance of Fluid Damper

  22. 社区植被是唯一具有负反馈作用的生态系统;

    The community vegetation is an uniqued ecosystem having negative feedback function .

  23. 土地利用/覆盖变化对气候的反馈作用

    The feedback of land use / cover change on climate

  24. 高催乳素血症对大鼠性激素的正反馈作用的影响

    The positive feedback action of steroids in hyperprolactinaemic rats

  25. 地震时烟囱对地面竖向运动的反馈作用

    Feedback of the chimney for_1ground movement during an earthquake

  26. 论英语写作教师评改的反馈作用

    Teacher Feedback on EFL Writing : The Effect of Various Kinds of Composition Commentary

  27. 植被对于气候的反馈作用


  28. 不同暴雨系统中潜热反馈作用的对比研究

    A comparative study on effects of latent heat release in different heavy rainfall systems

  29. 形成性练习具有很强的教学信息反馈作用,通过形成性练习可评价授课教师的教学方法、风格、活动和形象;

    Formative exercises provide feedback of teaching information .

  30. 正(负)反馈作用可加强(减弱)气候变化的突变性;

    The positive ( negative ) feedback will strengthen ( weaken ), climatic jumps .