
  • 网络Project Gemini;Gemini project
  1. 开始了一个新的太空飞行计划&双子座计划。

    And a new space flight program Project Gemini was begun .

  2. 他的工作为双子座计划扫清了道路。

    His work cleared the way for project gemini .

  3. 双子座计划实现了全部目标。

    The Gemini program had reached all its goals .

  4. 双子座计划使宇航员了解了长期飞行中辐射的危害和失重的影响。

    Gemini let astronauts learn about the dangers of radiation and the effects of being weightless during long flights .

  5. 双子座太空计划中每组成员含有两名宇航员。

    Under the Gemini program each crew had two astronauts .

  6. 我们将在下星期继续播讲美国双子座太空计划的故事。

    We will continue our story of America 's Gemini space program next week .