
láo shén
  • bother;trouble;be a tax on;be a tax on (one's mind)
劳神 [láo shén]
  • [be a tax on (one's mind);bother;trouble] 谓使鬼神劳苦;耗费精神(有时用做请托的客套话)

  • 劳神照顾一下

劳神[láo shén]
  1. 但不要劳神去这家公司找工作了。

    But don 't bother to apply fora job there .

  2. 我们为什么要劳神去做这些无用的事情?

    Why should I bother to try to do such useless things ?

  3. 他发现自己已无力应对那份劳神费力的工作了。

    He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job

  4. 照顾一个精神病人是时刻都要劳神费力的苦差事。

    Nursing a demented person is an all-consuming task

  5. 劳神照料炉上的牛奶,别沸溅了。

    Please keep an eye on the stove in case the milk boils .

  6. 你现在身体不好,别太劳神。

    You 're in poor health , so don 't overtax yourself .

  7. 劳神替我照顾一下孩子。

    Please keep an eye on my child .

  8. 做这份工作既劳神又费力。

    In this job you need both brains and brawn .

  9. 这使得他们能够专注于研究语言的新特性,使一门语言变得更加独一无二,而不是在重新发明另一个GC系统上劳神费力。

    This lets them focus on the features that make a given language unique rather than on reinventing yet another GC system .

  10. Reynolds探员,如果你认为我们无法胜任,为什么FBI要劳神让我们介入?

    Torres : Agent Reynolds , if you didn 't thinkwe could do the job , why did the FBI bring us on the case ?

  11. 从慢性疲劳综合征现代病因学研究认识可以看出其与祖国医学中劳神过度相关最大,较多的负性生活事件是CFS发病重要因素。

    Compare the understanding of the etiology of Modern Medicine with the Traditional Chinese Medicine . It can be seen that " mental fatigue " related to CFS is the largest , more negative life events is an important factor in pathogenesis of CFS .

  12. 用另外一种劳神费力的方法达到同样的效果。

    Achieves the same effect in a different and laborious way .

  13. 他得劳神费力与访客交谈。

    He had to exert himself to make conversation with the visitor .

  14. 我就坐在大厅一侧,犯得着劳神给我发电子邮件吗?

    Why are you emailing me when I sit across the hall ?

  15. 我热爱我的工作,但工作非常劳神。

    I love my job but it is very demanding .

  16. 生活如此短暂,无法去为这些人劳神。

    Life is too short to worry about those people .

  17. 这两个女人身上仍残留着过度劳神的痕迹。

    The signs of strain were on both women .

  18. 自己曾多么严阵以待,压力重重,忧心劳神

    how serious , stressed , and worried I was

  19. 使用者根本用不着劳神去医院,自己就可以控制设备的开关。

    It can be turned on and off without a trip to a doctor .

  20. 因此,我们辛苦劳神地教作文却收效甚微。

    Therefore , we bother to teach the writing is hard with little success .

  21. 我们干嘛还劳神学别的语言?

    Why should be bother learning another language ?

  22. 真够劳神的,算了,反正明早我就离开了。

    Oh , to hell with it , I thought-I 'm leaving tomorrow anyway .

  23. 即使是世界杯最铁杆的球迷,要将首轮48场比赛一气看完,绝对是费心劳神的事。

    Even the most intrepid World Cup fan will struggle to watch all48 first-round matches .

  24. 这是因为人体解剖学是门非常复杂,耗力劳神的学科。

    And that 's because human anatomy is a difficult and time-intensive subject to learn .

  25. 被一件劳神的工作弄得精疲力尽。

    Exhausted by a demanding job .

  26. 盖伯瑞尔觉得不值得为两便士如此劳神,所以他走向前。

    Gabriel thought that twopence did not seem worth bothering about , so he stepped forward .

  27. 这个詹姆士,老是这么大惊小怪,操心劳神的。

    Of course the football fans had good reasons to be fussy on such a night .

  28. 她走出房间时不屑劳神去把灯关掉。

    She didn 't bother to turn out the light when she went out of the room .

  29. 不要在劳神花钱了吧,怎么治疗效果不会很明显的。

    Did not want to spend money in bother , how remedial effect won 't be apparent .

  30. 因为少了其他女伴的那种主观的评判目光,你不必为穿着打扮和争抢风头而劳神。

    Without the judgmental gaze of other females , there is less pressure to dress up and compete for attention .