
  • 网络Encephalitozoonosis;Protozoiasis;protozoal disease
  1. 因此对兔脑炎原虫病的诊断、预防及治疗显得非常重要。

    So , it is very important for the encephalitozoonosis to be diagnosed , prevented and treated .

  2. 扫描及负染电镜在兔脑炎原虫病诊断中的应用

    Use of the Scanning and Negative Staining Electron Microscopy in Diagnosing Encephalitozoonosis

  3. 兔脑炎原虫病患兔血清中IgG的测定

    Detection of IgG in Serum of Rabbit Infected with Encephalitozoon cuniculi with ELISA

  4. 牛巴贝斯虫病(Bovinebabesiosis)是由媒介蜱传播的巴贝斯科巴贝斯属的多种病原体寄生于牛的红细胞内所引起的血液原虫病的总称。

    Bovine babesiosis is caused by genus Babesia , which is transmitted by ticks and parasitizes in the erythrocytes of cattle .

  5. 兔球虫病是由艾美耳属球虫引起的寄生性原虫病。

    Rabbit coccidiosis is a disease caused by Eimeria protozoan parasite .

  6. 永靖县羊血液原虫病综合防治试验

    The comprehensive controlling experiment on sheep 's blood protozoosis in Yongjing County

  7. 牛球虫病是牛的重要寄生性原虫病之一。

    Bovine coccidiosis is one of important protozoa diseases .

  8. 牛瑟氏泰勒虫病是由蜱传染的一种血液原虫病。

    Bovine theileriosis sergenti is one of hemozoon disease which is infected by tick .

  9. 梨形虫病是一种越来越受关注的蜱播原虫病。

    Piroplasmosis is a kind of tick-borne protozosis world wide and is gaining increasing interest .

  10. 羊泰勒虫病是由羊的泰勒虫引起的绵羊和山羊的一种蜱传性血液原虫病。

    Ovine theileriosis is caused by Theileria species and transmitted by ticks to sheep and goats .

  11. 水貂脑胞内原虫病肾小球病理形态学研究实验性兔出血症的病毒抗原定位及病理形态学研究

    Glomerular Pathomorphology in Mink with Encephalitozoonosis Studies on Localization of Viral Antigen and Pathomorphology of Experimental Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease

  12. 兔球虫病是由艾美耳科的球虫引起的一种寄生性原虫病,随着规模养兔的迅速发展,该病对我国养兔业的危害日益严重。

    Rabbit coccidiosis is a kind of sporozoan disease caused by Eimeriidae species , which jeopardizes rabbit breeding industry in our country .

  13. 文章综述了近年来人和动物阿米巴原虫病的病原学、流行病学、发病机理、诊断和防治等方面的研究进展。

    This article summarized the aetiology , epidemiology , pathogenesis , diagnosis and prevention of the amoeba disease about humen and animals in recent years .

  14. 鸡球虫病是由艾美耳属的一种或多种球虫寄生于鸡肠道上皮细胞内而引起的呈世界性分布的原虫病,该病对养鸡业危害十分严重。

    Coccidiosis in chicken is caused by one or a variety of the coccidia that belonging to Eimeria parasite on chicken intestinal epithelial cells , which is a worldwide distribution protozoosis .

  15. 人芽囊原虫病患者肠粘膜损伤与肠粘膜细胞因子的关系猪囊尾蚴病的病原是寄生在人体内的猪带绦虫(钩绦虫)幼虫,是一种危害严重的人畜寄生虫病。

    Pathologic Observation of Intestinal Mucosal Lesions and the Association of Lesions with Cytokines in the Patients with Blastocystis Hominis Infection ; Cysticercosis is the parasitic pathogens in the body of Taenia solium ( with Taenia solium ) larvae is a crime against the people and livestock serious parasitic disease .

  16. 人芽囊原虫致小儿腹泻病的研究

    A Clinical Study on Blastocystis Hominis Infection in Children with Diarrhea