- 名atomic number

Transportation Shielding and Surveying of Spent Fuel Elements in SPRR-300 The filter is constructed as a sandwich from three materials of different atomic number .
R is a reference referring to effective atomic number directly .
The affections of the atomic number , the experimental environment and the noise are showed from principle and-experiment .
Low Z materials such as CH films is useful in ICF targets fabrication .
The rate of the peak heights for the density of states of TA and LA increases with the atomic number .
Bi with a higher atomic number than iodine is expected to have a higher X-ray absorption coefficient than iodine , and could theoretically cause greater contrast enhancement in CT imaging .
This is because even though z , the atomic number is still increasing , we are also getting further away from the nucleus .
Antimony ( Sb ) which belongs to the group VA in the periodic table is a naturally-occurring metalloid element .
This paper presents the studies of the dependence of soft X-ray emission on atomic-number and laser intensities by using a new diagnostic tool , pinhole transmission grating spectrograph ( PTGS ) .
Experimental result shows possibility of usage of LCIS op erating in dual energy mode in 5-10 MeV energy range for recognition of groups of materials according to their effective atomic number .
High atomic number material of device can produce dose-enhancement effects to next low atomic number material in metallized layer and encapsulation structures irradiated with low-energy X ray . So device performance degenerates badly .
The contribution of 4f orbitals lessens with the increase of the atomic number of lanthanides .
The electron range increases with decreasing atomic number and increasing incident beam energy E0 .
An ultra-thin window Si ( Li ) detector used for measuring low energy X-rays is designed . The PIXE spectrum range has extended to still lower energies of characteristic X-rays originated from St , Al and Na .
The curie temperature T_c is found to be increased with increasing atomic number of R , and T_c of Gd_ ( 15 ) B_7Fe_ ( 78 ) is the highest , which shows the effect of R-Fe exchange interaction .
To sum up , information on heavy metals with high atomic number in the carp otolith can be reflected by statistical comparison of Micro-CT data .
The relation between the effect of adding rare earth oxides ( CeO_2 , Pr_2O_3 and Nd_2O_3 ) and their atomic number has been correlated . It was discovered that the selectivity of propene increases as the atomic number increases .
Silver is metallic chemical element represented by Ag having atomic number 47 . It is white , lustrous transition metal , which has the highest electrical conductivity as compared to any element and the highest thermal conductivity as compared to any metal .
The atomic ordinal number g I and its colouring number g I ′ based on the systematic nomenclature of organic compound have excellent selectivity for non-hydrogen atom in organic molecules , and mirror its chemical surroundings .
Because the target materials of ICF are mostly made up with light elements , and the difference of coefficient for intensity attenuation is very little when measuring different light elements having close atomic number using beta-ray .
This paper roughly shows the calculated best scattering Angle of IED 2000P portable multi elements X ray fluorescence analyzer , by a lot of experiments of analysis pure samples SiO2 and Al2O3 whose effective atomic number is very close to geological samples . 4 .
Under guarantee the continuity of atomic number order , it has been done strictly according to the same electron configurations of the gaseous atoms of the elements arrange in a group , F group of elements is divided into two coloumn because of the analogy in properties and electronic .
It follows that the bulk moduli of alloyed TiH 2 firstly increases and then decreases with the atomic number of the alloying elements in the same period .
We also discussed the Z-scaling law of these physical quantities .
Technetium is the lowest-numbered element that has no stable isotopes .
This change is caused by the lanthanide contraction .
Quantitative Relation both Elemental Thermal Capacities and Atomic Number
An element 's atomic number is the number of protons in its nucleus .
No change in atomic number is possible without a radical change in properties .
Relationship of crystal ionic radii and atomic number