
wàn yǒu yǐn lì dìnɡ lǜ
  • Law of Universal Gravitation;the law of gravitation
  1. 它遵循万有引力定律。

    It obeys the law of gravitation .

  2. 教师很生动地描述万有引力定律的发现,他想让学生对它的重要性留下深刻的印象。

    The teacher was vividly1 describing the discovery of the law of gravitation . He tried to make the children impressed with its importance .

  3. 事实上,他是在目睹苹果落地时忽然好奇为什么物体永远向下落而不是向上或向两边,这个想法启发他发现了万有引力定律。

    Rather , he witnessed an apple falling and wondered why objects always fall down instead of up or sideways , a thought that inspired his Law of Universal Gravitation .

  4. 中国的深证综指(ShenzhenComposite)是否正在违反金融规律,或者万有引力定律?

    Is China 's Shenzhen Composite defying the laws of finance or the laws of gravity ?

  5. 众所周知,Newton引力理论有一些无法解决的疑难,例如万有引力定律方程式的非洛伦兹协变性、水星近日点的附加进动等。

    It is well known that , Newton 's gravitational theory has some intrinsic difficulties , such as the non-Lorentz covariant of the gravitational field , the orbital precession of Mercury etc. .

  6. 放射性产生的根源是一个太不稳定的原子违背了万有引力定律(我们物质世界存在的基本原理)并发生分裂,释放出两种粒子和一束类似于X光的γ射线。

    The source of radioactivity is an atom so obese that it defies the laws of attraction gluing together our material world and spits out little pieces of itself -- two kinds of particles and a stream of gamma rays , similar to X-rays .

  7. 牛顿的万有引力定律是极其有用的。

    Newton 's law of universal gravitation has been extremely useful .

  8. 基于万有引力定律的数据分类效果评价

    Evaluation of Data Classifying Quality Based on the Law of Universal Gravitation

  9. 万有引力定律最令人震惊。

    The universal law of gravitation was the most astounding .

  10. 对牛顿万有引力定律的一种可能的修正

    A Possible Correction Made for Newton 's Law of Gravitation

  11. 从引力场推导万有引力定律

    In fer in g the Law of Universal Gravitation from Gravitational Field

  12. 牛顿万有引力定律是正确的。

    Newton 's law of universal gravitation is valid .

  13. 用万有引力定律研究人力资源管理

    A Study on Defining Human Resources Management with the Law of Universal Gravitation

  14. 牛顿的万有引力定律指的是两个质点之间的力。

    Newton 's law of gravitation refers to the force between two particles .

  15. 万有引力定律的形成过程

    Formation Process of the Law of Universal Gravitation

  16. 万有引力定律在聚类中的应用

    Application of Cluster Method Based on Gravity Theory

  17. 这违背了万有引力定律。

    It 's defying the law of gravity .

  18. 重新导出其他定律,如万有引力定律、库仑定律等;

    Other laws such as the law of gravity and law of Coulomb are re-derived ;

  19. 他根据自己提出的万有引力定律,解释这一定律。

    So , he was able to explain this using his laws for gravitational attraction .

  20. 万有引力定律帮助我们精确计算宇宙飞船的轨道。

    The law of universal gravitation helps us predict accurately the orbit of a spacecraft .

  21. 万有引力定律与第五种力

    Law of gravitation and the fifth force

  22. 本文从几个方面讨论了万有引力定律在实际问题中的运用。

    The article from some aspects talks about the practical use of the law of gravitation .

  23. 关于万有引力定律的教学

    Teaching on Law of Universal Gravitation

  24. 万有引力定律是任何两个物体之间都存在相互作用的引力。

    The law of universal gravitation is that existence all interacts between any two objects gravitation .

  25. 牛顿的万有引力定律

    Newton 's law of gravity

  26. 我讨厌电学,但我对万有引力定律感兴趣。

    I don 't like electricity , but I 'm interested in the law of universal gravitation .

  27. 他家花园里一个落下来的苹果让他发现了万有引力定律。

    A falling apple in the garden at his home made him discover the law of gravitation .

  28. 分形方法导出改进的牛顿第二定律及万有引力定律

    Deriving Improved Newton 's Second Law and the Law of Gravity at One Time with Form of Fractal Formula

  29. 万有引力定律的理论推导与等效原理的证明

    The Proof of Equivalent Principles by Deducing the Equation of the Law of Universal Gravitation from the Theory of Relativity

  30. 本文对牛顿万有引力定律提出了一种非黎曼几何的相对论性的可能修正公式。

    In this paper , a possible Correction of non-Riemannian geometric relativity is made for Newton 's Law of Gravitation .