
  • 网络atom utilization
  1. 苯酚氧化羰基化一步合成DPC是以苯酚、CO、O2为原料一步合成,此工艺原料廉价、工艺简单、原子利用率高,是最具有工业生产前景的DPC合成工艺路线。

    Oxidative carbonylation of phenol for synthesis of DPC take phenol , CO , O2 as the raw materials . This method is the most valuable industrial route because of the following advantages : cheap raw materials , one-step synthesis and high atom utilization .

  2. 全面分析了原子利用率、E-因子和环境系数,并利用它们作为化工过程新的评价指标。

    Relevant alternative processes were discussed on the basis of atom utilization , Efactor and environmental coefficient .

  3. 用低浓度的H2O2(30%)来代替传统的过酸作为B-V反应的氧化剂,对环境友好且原子利用率高。

    Using low concentration of hydrogen peroxide ( 30 % ) instead of peroxide organic acid as oxidant in B-V reaction is friendly to environment and with higher atom economy .

  4. 同时该方法还具有原子利用率高、反应条件温和以及工艺简单等特点,是目前最有前途的PO生产技术之一。

    Moreover the propylene catalyzed by TS-1 to propylene oxide is one of the most perspective production methods , due to its advantages of high atoms utilization , mild reaction conditions , simple processing technique and its friendly environment .

  5. 原子利用率有效值的提出与讨论

    About the Virtual Value of Atom Availability

  6. 概述了原子利用率、合成效率和目标产品效率作为化学合成工艺的绿色评价指标。

    Atom utilization , synthetic efficiency and target product efficiency was summarized as the technique index to assess the green degree of chemical synthesis .

  7. 对甲氧基苯乙酸是重要的医药中间体,传统合成方法因区域选择性使原子利用率低且环境污染严重。

    Para-methoxyphenylacetic acid used for important pharmaceutical and organic intermediates was effectively synthesized of an excellent regioselectivity instead of the traditional synthetic method of poor atom efficiency and environmental pollution .

  8. 与传统的酚类合成路线相比,该反应具有低污染、100%原子利用率等优点,是理想的绿色合成路线。

    Compared with traditional phenol synthesis routes , the reaction is featured by low pollution and 100 % utilization of reactant atoms , which makes it an ideal green synthesis route .

  9. 碳-氢键活化反应原子利用率高,反应步骤少,绿色经济,因此,碳氢活化反应研究是有机化学研究的最重要的领域之一。

    C-H bond activation reactions can be used to improve the atom economy and shorten the reaction steps , it is green and economic and one of the most important research fields in organic synthesis .

  10. 催化化学是达到该目标和促进绿色化学发展的关键技术,其中,羰化反应因具有高的原子利用率而得到了人们的亲睐。

    In this regard , catalysis is a key technique for achieving these objectives and for contributing to a " greener " chemistry in the future . Carbonylation reactions generally have a high atom efficiency and attract significant coverage from many researchers .

  11. 根据原子经济观点提出以碳当量计入化学加工能耗后的有效原子利用率,能够更完整地描述过程的原子经济性。

    From the viewpoint of atomic economy , the atom effective utilization , namely AUe , in which the consumed energy in the chemical process is accounted in the form of equivalent carbon amount , was proposed to scale the atom economy level of the process more precisely .