- original acquisition

The rural collective construction land tenure includes original acquisition and derivative acquisition .
Secondly , the nature of good-faith acquisition of immovable property belongs to the original acquisition is discussed .
Original acquisition comprises making things , taking possession of ownerless things .
Mining right obtain can be divided into original obtain and successive obtain .
On the Original Methods of Obtaining Real Right
Preoccupation is one of the primitive methods to gain the possession of movable property .
Original Obtainment of Ownership of Ship
Preoccupation system originated from Roman law , is one of primitive acquisition mode of ownership .
Movable property made in good faith of the original , and real property acquisition was made following the subject .
The original gainer of Performance Rights is natural person , judicial person and other organizations only be the successive person .
It is a system in the traditional civil law , which can lead to disputes and lawsuits among many people .
The ways to get it are original form and successive form ; the ways to abolish it are absolute form and relative form .
Cost of goods sold ( cost of sales ): The original acquisition cost of the inventory that was sold to customers during the reporting period .
The point at which something comes into existence or from which it derives or is derived . Original acquisition comprises making things , taking possession of ownerless things .
Abstract : Treasure troves discovered was one of the original made of movable property ownership , its legal effect is to confirm a treasure trove of ownership attribution .
Part of this research is trying to combine our country the property law and other related content , property of & housing in the perspectives of the original one .
The thesis links with practice closely . The author analyses and researches the relevant legal issues about original acquisition institution of right to use state-owned land in our country .
The main way of the original acquisition is legal made , and the ways of the successive acquisition mainly include contract , assignment , auction and inheritance with certain conditions .
In this section , the author shows the importance of self-ownership and the property , and also about the property in the original way & the system of first occupies .
The relationship between the executive court and the auction organization is not the civil assignment but the judicial help relation , the buyer obtains originally the ownership of thing by auction .
The issue of original acquisition of right to use state-owned land is an issue about transfer of real right , it should comply with general principle on transfer of real right .
The days are long past in settled countries when land could be acquired originally , by occupation or settlement , but movables can still be acquired in this way , as when a man catches fish or makes a table from wood .
Establishing the network circumstances and going into managing are the original acquisition of the property , obtaining the virtual things ( such as accounts , props , dramatis personae in the games and currencies ) in the network games is the derivative acquisition .
For change of real right , both bona fide acquisition system of China and the rules on acquisition in Japanese civil law adopt the concept of original acquisition , which is to say the property obtained through bona fide acquisition system belongs to original acquisition .
This part calculates the original acquisition cost , incremental evaluation and employment cost , training and development cost and redundancy cost , and designs the human resource cost report which is used to regularly make known the monetary value of teacher human resource in the college .
The second part talks about shareholder qualifications ' primitive acquisition , elaborating the influence on obtaining the shareholder qualifications by investment , analyzing the document and the function in the process of primitive acquisition in view of the capital installment system in new " Law of corporation " .
The software removed the poor quality of the clock error satellites to " decontaminate " GPS raw data and achieved good results .