
  1. 从已知数据的原始决策表出发,利用基于粗集的Web挖掘方法,选用某种评价算法,以得到决策表及每个数据对象的决策规则。

    From the initial decision-making table of the already known data , with some evaluation arithmetic , web mining approach based on rough set theory can be used , so that the decision rules of the incomplete decision-making table and the very data object of it can be obtained .

  2. 在分析了广义决策约简与代数约简不同原因的基础上,给出一种将不一致决策表转化成一致决策表,再基于D-S证据理论求原始决策表代数约简的方法。

    The essential causes that algebraic reduction and generalized decision reduction obtain a different result for inconsistent decision table are analyzed . A new approach to algebraic reduction based on evidence theory is proposed by transferring the inconsistent decision table into consistent one .

  3. 本文利用粗集理论方法,结合国内外压缩机诊断长期积累的数据,给出了压缩机组故障样本模型,并获取了某型离心式压缩机组的振动故障样本原始决策表;

    The thesis presents compressor 's fault-sample model and obtains centrifugal compressor 's vibration fault-sample original decision table based-on rough set theory and the accumulated data in global compressor diagnosis .

  4. 在此基础上将断点重要度作为启发信息以逐个选取断点直至根据新的断点离散后的决策表与原始决策表的分类能力相同。

    On the basis of that , the important degree was taken as heuristic information to select cut points until the classification ability of the new decision table equaled the primitive one .

  5. 现有标准的原始设计决策不会永远对新的开发者和使用者如水晶般清澈,因此就像Mark接着指出的那样,这些领域需要被改善。

    The original design decisions behind the current standard aren 't always crystal clear to new developers or users , so these areas need to be improved , as Mark goes on to point out .