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  • acoustic guitar
  1. 原声吉他、贝斯和康茄鼓为她伴奏。

    She was backed by acoustic guitar , bass and congas .

  2. 价格标签上黑鸟莱德原声吉他元,1519。

    The price tag on a Blackbird Rider Acoustic Guitar is $ 1,599 .

  3. 在艾伦顿东北方向15英里的宾州纳泽瑞斯(Nazareth),格拉斯(RoryGlass)在马丁吉他公司(C.F.Martin&Co.)的工厂镶嵌装饰性设计并运行一台制造原声吉他的激光设备。

    In Nazareth , Pa. , 15 miles northeast of Allentown , Rory Glass inlays ornamental designs and runs laser machinery to shape acoustic guitars at the factory of C.F. Martin & Co. , which has made renowned acoustic instruments for more than 100 years .

  4. 他不是第一个将原声吉他电子化的人吗?

    Wasn 't he the first to electrify acoustic guitars ? Uh ...

  5. 这些都是原声吉他。

    And those are all acoustic guitars , OK ?

  6. 有一次,我轻装环游欧洲,随身带着一把原声吉他。

    Once , I backpacked around europe I brought an acoustic guitar with me .

  7. 他给电吉他接上电源,然后把它当原声吉他来弹。

    He plugs in an electric guitar , and he plays it like an acoustic guitar .

  8. 为了放大声音,发明家们开始给原声吉他接上电子设备和电子线圈。

    And to do that , inventors started attaching electronic devices , electrical coils to the acoustic guitars .

  9. 在这个音乐世界中,电子元素、电吉他和原声吉他、冬不拉、迪吉里杜管以及竖琴管弦乐团共同创造了原始的声音。

    Electronic elements , electric and acoustic guitars , dobro , didgeridoo , jaw harp strings orchestra blend in this organic musical universe to create an original soundscape .

  10. 你在你妻子的第四张专辑中制作了8首歌曲,并展示了你在钢琴和原声演奏吉他方面的能力。

    You produced eight tracks on your wife's4th album , which showcase the piano and acoustic guitar .

  11. 我能够运用原声民谣拨弦滑音吉他技巧等等

    So I could apply all of this acoustic folk picking and slide guitar and etc etc