
  • 网络Original Vegetation
  1. 所考察的三种生态类型中,针叶林原始植被覆盖最好,地表凋落物积累丰富,给土壤动物提供适宜的环境。

    The original vegetation in coniferous forest has abundant litter which provides nutrition for soil faunas .

  2. 即按“早进洞、晚出洞”的原则,最大限度地缩小洞口施工对自然边仰坡原始植被的破坏程度,稳定边仰坡美化环境。

    According to the principle of " early entering and late exiting ", this method tries to reduce the damage to the original vegetation on the slope and stabilize the slope to protect the environment .

  3. 当地的原始植被为常绿阔叶林和落叶阔叶林,但均遭到严重的破坏。

    The primary vegetation is broad leaf forest and it was denuded in the history .

  4. 水土流失、沙化等自然灾害十分严重。本文对这一地区的原始植被进行了复原,并探讨其农业开发与植被变迁的历史过程以及对生态环境的影响。

    This paper tells breifly the natural history of the vegetation in the area and discusses the relationship between the agricultural development and the changes of the environment .

  5. 同时,应避免原始植被、野生动植物和环境遭到破坏,进一步的挖掘历史文化,对现有历史人文资源进行恢复和保护,推出工业旅游新概念、新品牌,优化整体结构。

    Meanwhile , should prevent primitive vegetation , wild animals and plants and environment from being destroyed , Further excavating history and culture , resume and protect the humane resources of existing history , introduce the new concept of industrial tourism , new brand , optimize the whole structure .

  6. 由于岸线方向、发育阶段、原始地形、植被条件等的差异及人类活动程度、改造利用方式的不同,风成沙的粒度特征在不同岸段和不同相带内均有一定差异。

    As the differences of the direction of coastline , development phase , basement topography , plant cover and the divergences of human activites , the types of trans-forming and utilizing ;

  7. 在散点图中分析差分计算后的波段与原始波段发现,植被信息被抑制后异常信息得到增强。

    The vegetation is depressed and the abnormal information is enhanced by analyzing bands after difference calculus .

  8. 区内原始森林浩瀚,植被十分丰富。有银杏、红豆杉、珙桐等。

    It boasts vast forests and varieties of vegetation such as gingko , yew and Gong Tong .

  9. 哈佛特郡,至少它的北部地区还很原始,岩石公园植被茂盛。

    Harford County , at least the northern part , is still fairly rural and Rocks is pretty heavily forested .

  10. 原始生境退化、植被覆盖率变低、土地退化严重等问题,虽然都是人类活动的持续产物,却也逐渐成为制约人们生存和发展的客观环境。

    Although human activities lead to the original habitat degradation , lower vegetation coverage , serious land degradation and so on , these results are also the objective environment which gradually becomes the constraints of the survival and development of human beings .