
  • 网络PFTC;primary carcinoma of fallopian tube;primary fallopian tube carcinoma;primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube
  1. PEFC化疗方案治疗20例原发性输卵管癌

    Retrospective study of PEFC chemotherapy regimen on primary carcinoma of fallopian tube

  2. 原发性输卵管癌预后因素分析

    The analysis of Prognostic Factors of Primary Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube

  3. 结论:1.K-ras蛋白、c-myc蛋白可能与原发性输卵管癌的发生有关。

    K-ras protein , c-myc protein may be related to the occurrence of primary fallopian tube carcinoma . 2 .

  4. 原发性输卵管癌11例报告

    Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube , report of 11 cases

  5. 3例原发性输卵管癌病理所见

    Pathological Appearance of Primary Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube of 3 Cases

  6. 原发性输卵管癌15例临床分析

    The clinical analysis of 15 primary fallopian tube carcinoma cases

  7. 报告8例原发性输卵管癌,7例术后随访5年以上,5年生存率70%。

    Eight cases of primary tubal cancer are reported .

  8. 原发性输卵管癌13例临床病理分析及文献复习

    13 cases of primary fallopian tube carcinoma ( PETC ): Clinical pathological analysis and literature review

  9. 原发性输卵管癌

    Primary Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube

  10. 结果绝经年龄早,有慢性附件炎病史可能与原发性输卵管癌的发病相关。

    Results : Menopausal age was early and accompanied with chronic adnexitis , which was probably connected with primary fallopian tube carcinoma .

  11. 结论:原发性输卵管癌术前诊断正确率已有所提高,但远不理想。如何进一步提高原发性输卵管癌的术前诊断率仍需研究。

    Conclusion : The correct preoperative diagnosis of primary fallopian tube carcinoma has been improving in recent years , but is not ideal .

  12. 目的:为提高对原发性输卵管癌的认识,争取早期诊断、早期治疗,改善患者预后。

    Objective : To clinically analyze 31 cases of primary carcinoma of fallopian tube so as to early diagnose the disease and improve its prognosis .

  13. 结论提高原发性输卵管癌的术前诊断率及生存率,需进一步探究原发性输卵管癌的早期诊断问题。

    Conclusion : Early diagnosis of primary fallopian tube carcinoma should be studied to improve preoperative diagnosis of primary fallopian tube carcinoma and survival rate .

  14. 应用自行设计的全硅胶植入式腹腔内化疗输药装置治疗卵巢恶性肿瘤16例和原发性输卵管癌1例。

    Self-designed intraperitoneal chemotherapy systems were implanted in seventeen gynecologic cancer patients , who were 16 malignant ovarian tumors and 1 primary carcinoma of fallopian tube .

  15. 原发性输卵管癌占女性生殖器恶性肿瘤的0.3~1.1%。

    The morbidity of primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube in malignant tumors of female genital organs is 0.3 ~ 1.1 % This study reports 16 cases .

  16. 结论:原发性输卵管癌较少见,缺乏特异性的临床表现和诊断措施,误诊率高。

    Conclusions : Preoperative diagnosis of primary fallopian tube carcinoma is difficult due to the rarity of the disease , lacking of specific manifestations and diagnostic ways .

  17. 原发性输卵管癌是少见的女性生殖道恶性肿瘤,发病率占原发性妇科恶性肿瘤发病率的1%以下。

    Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube is the rarest cancer of the female genital tract with an incidence of less than 1 % of all gynecologic tumors .

  18. 1958~1981年我科共收治原发性输卵管癌11例,占同期生殖系统恶性肿瘤的1.3%。

    Eleven cases of primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube were operated in the period of 1958 ~ 1981 . They constituted 1.3 % of the total genital malignant tumors seen in this period .

  19. 方法对1986年1月至2005年11月收治原发性输卵管癌26例临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods To collect and analyze retrospectively clinical parameters of 26 cases of primary fallopian tube cancer that were in admission during the period from January 1986 to November 2005.Results Only few patients manifested symptom such as vaginal fluid , pelvic mess and lower abdominal pain simultaneously .