
  • 网络Original research
  1. 我又回去告诉Ken我弄明白了什么,我说了几分钟之后他再次打断我,就在那时我说:“闭嘴,听我说!”他照做了,我说完之后他称赞我真是做了原创研究。

    Then I went back to tell Ken what I had figured out . Again he interrupted me a few minutes into my presentation , at which point I said , " Shut up and listen ! " Which he did . And when I finished he complimented me on doing some very original research .

  2. 恩度是利用先声药业开发团队的原创研究开发的,但并不包含中药所用的草药。任晋生说,去年这种药物的销售额在3380万美元左右。

    Endo , which was developed with original research by Simcere 's development team but doesn 't contain herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine , had about $ 33.8 million in sales last year , said Mr.

  3. 基于本土的教育理论原创研究

    A Research on Original Theories of Education Based on Mainland

  4. 敦煌壁画中的骑射文化演变与民族原创研究

    Riding and Shooting Culture Evolution in Dunhuang Murals and National Original Creation Studies

  5. 投机取巧,把显而易见、肤浅的内容换句话说,无法称得上是重要发现与或原创研究报告。

    Artfully restating what is obvious and shallow is not the same as critical discovery and original reporting .

  6. 基于技术体系的区域原创力研究

    A study on regional innovation capability based on technology system

  7. 做一些有趣的,但不需要太大挑战性的原创数学研究。

    Do some interesting , but not too ambitious , original mathematics .

  8. 重塑唯物辩证法精神:原创性教育研究的思维向度

    The Thinking Direction of Original Educational Researching : Remodeling the Spirit of Dialectical Materialism

  9. 学生们选择独立与原创的研究专题,这些专题被设计成具教育性并以微生物学的进阶专门领域研究为目的。

    Students take on independent and original research projects that are designed to be instructive with the goal of advancing a specific field of research in microbiology .

  10. 每位学生必须就自己感兴趣的话题写一篇原创的研究论文,或者在参考一批课外阅读书的基础上写一篇书目论文。

    Each student will write either an original research paper on a topic of interest to the student , or a bibliographic essay on a set of outside readings .

  11. 先秦原创性教育思想研究

    On the creativity of educational thoughts of the pre-Qin dynasty

  12. 因此,第五章对小说家在90年代的风格化书写模式进行了有原创意义的研究。

    The fifth chapter , the essay studies the novelists writing mode in 1990s .

  13. 本文以盛大公司旗下的较具性别特色的红袖添香网站为例,针对近年以来较受关注的网络女性原创写作进行研究和分析。

    In this paper , with a relatively big of gender characteristics of " hongxiutianxiang " website as an example , this paper has in recent years more popular network women writing original research and analysis .

  14. 科技原创力评价方法研究

    Research on Evaluation Method of Science and Technology Original Innovation Power

  15. 略论教育理论原创与区域教育研究

    A Brief Discussion on the Original Theories of Education and the Research on the District Education

  16. 本文在学理和术用两个层面对新闻精品展开带有原创色彩的系统研究。

    This dissertation makes an original systematic research of elite news from the basic levels of principle and application .

  17. 区域科技中心城市科技原创力培育方法研究&以广州市为例

    On the Method for Cultivating the Original Creativity of Regional Central City in Science and Technology : A Case Study of Guangzhou