
  • 网络History Teaching;Teaching history
  1. 本文对计算机辅助历史教学的基础、模式、特点、原则以及历史CAI教学策略等问题进行了较为详尽的阐述。

    The paper expounds thoroughly the base , mode , features and principles of CAI in history teaching , and the history CAI teaching tactics .

  2. 近年来数字化学习(E-learning)成为信息技术与学科整合的热点,但历史教学领域对此问题的探讨尚存不足,有待研究的深入。

    In recent years , E-learning has become a focus of integrating information technology into the curriculum . But there are some deficiencies in this subject , which was discussed by the field of history teaching .

  3. 他们正在举行历史教学讨论会。

    They 're holding a forum on new ways of teaching history .

  4. 我认为历史教学有助于培养受过良好教育的一代。

    I would say the teaching of history helps to create well-educated generation .

  5. 历史教学幽默艺术探略

    A Brief Discussion on the Art of Humor in History Teaching

  6. 历史教学与道德教育的关系。

    First is the connection between history teaching and moral education .

  7. 论学生主体性的培养与历史教学

    On the Training of Student - Centering Habit and History Teaching

  8. 它在初三历史教学中使用更具可行性。

    It is especially feasible in teaching history in junior three .

  9. 论历史教学的课堂语言要求

    On the Language Requirements in the Class of History - teaching

  10. 论把可持续发展意识贯穿于历史教学的意义

    Significance on the Consciousness of Sustainable Development Run Through History Teaching

  11. 科学素养及其在中学历史教学中的渗透

    The Infiltration of Science Literacy in History Teaching at Middle School

  12. 高中历史教学中的海洋意识教育

    The Marine Consciousness Education of the Historical Teaching in High School

  13. 引导式历史教学的初步尝试

    A Tentative Attempt of " Guidance Method " in History Teaching

  14. 爱国主义教育是历史教学中的一个永恒的主题。

    Education in patriotism is an eternal theme in history education .

  15. 历史教学与多媒体优化组合的探索

    Discussion on History Teaching and the Proper Multimedia Use in Teaching

  16. 图像史料在历史教学中的意义和运用

    The Meaning and Utilization of Image Historical Material in History Teaching

  17. 历史教学与学生创造性思维能力的培养

    History Teaching and Developing the Ability of Students ' Creative Thinking

  18. 新课标理念在高中历史教学中的运用

    New Class Sign Idea in High School History Teaching Utilization

  19. 试论艺术特色教育在历史教学中的地位与作用

    On the Status and Role of Arts in History Teaching

  20. 浅议历史教学比较法的应用

    Analysis on the Using of Comparative Method in History Teaching

  21. 浅谈单元总结历史教学法

    A Brief Talk on History Teaching Method in Way of Unit Summary

  22. 批判思维与中学历史教学的研究

    The Research on Critical Thinking and History Teaching in Schools

  23. 历史教学中自学&指导模式的应用

    Application of the Model " Self-Learning-Guidance " in History Teaching

  24. 历史教学的社会功能与学生的主体性

    Social Function of History Teaching and Students ' Subjective Function

  25. 初中历史教学实施创新教育实践研究

    The Study of Executing Creating Education in Junior History Teaching

  26. 建构主义学习环境下的高中历史教学设计

    The Instructional Design of Senior History in the Environment of Constructivism Learning

  27. 历史教学中创新思维创新能力的培养

    How to Cultivate Creative Thinking and Ability in History Teaching

  28. 双向质疑在历史教学中培养学生创造思维能力

    Two-way questioning to train the students ' creative thinking in history teaching

  29. 如何在中师历史教学中实施主体性教学?

    How do the educators carry out subjective teaching in history education ?

  30. 中学历史教学与自觉表象学习策略

    History Teaching and Initiative Idea Learning Strategy in Secondary Schools