
  • 网络historical psychology;Psychohistory;Cultural-historical Psychology;psychologie historique
  1. 再谈历史心理学

    Again On Historical Psychology

  2. 西方心理史学,心态史学和历史心理学的研究目的虽不相同,但都把历史心理现象作为主要研究对象。

    The purposes of western psychology history , psychological history and historical psychology are different , yet all treat historical psychological phenomena as their major aim .

  3. 历史心理学的研究范围和内容可分为心理传记学、群体历史心理和心理变迁三个领域。

    Its research involves psychobiography , group psychohistory and psychological change .

  4. 七情学说的历史与心理学研究

    Study on History and Psychology of Seven Emotions Theory

  5. 研究哲学代替不了对艺术、文学、历史、心理学、人类学、社会学、政治学和科学的研究。

    Studying philosophy isn 't an alternative to studying art , literature , history , psychology , anthropology , sociology , politics , and science .

  6. 并且还越来越多地以交叉学科的背景讲授法律,向其他学科靠近,如历史、心理学、社会学、医学以及经济学等。

    There are also increasing efforts to teach law in interdisciplinary contexts , drawing on other disciplines such as history , psychology , sociology , medicine , and economics .

  7. 这是一个具有悠久历史的人格心理学测试,在家里很容易尝试。

    This is a test with a long history in personality psychology andit 's really easy to try out at home .

  8. 我们已经有英国文学,欧洲历史,地理学,心理学。

    So we got English lit , European history , geography , psychology .

  9. 文学翻译需要调动如文化、宗教、历史、政治、心理学等个方面因素。

    Literary translation is connected with a variety of factors such as culture , religion , history , politics and psychology .

  10. 生物学的研究方法在心理学的历史上,生理心理学则发展了关于人类行为的进化的、生理的和基因的观点。

    The Biological approach has advanced evolutionary , physiological , and genetic explanations for human behavior throughout the history of psychology .

  11. 美育心理学是一门新兴学科,自确立名词概念,迄今也只有20多年的历史,但美育心理学思想是源远流长的。

    Psychology of aesthetic education is a newly science , and its concept has been established over twenty years , but ideology of psychology of aesthetic education is of long standing .

  12. 库恩的范式理论将社会历史文化因素引入心理学领域,奠定了心理学的文化转向的哲学基础。

    The paradigm theory conducted by Kuen , a famous psychologist who has brought the factor of historical culture of society into the realm of psychology , has laid the philosophical basis of cultural diversion of psychology .

  13. 这一回顾的主要目的,是尽可能挖掘历史上包括官能心理学在内的模块思想的现时代意义,从而表明模块论思想有着久远的历史渊源和深厚的学术底蕴。

    The main purpose is to find out contemporary significance of module theory ( including faculty psychology ) in history of psychology as far as possible , which shows that the module theory has long historical origins and profound academic background .

  14. 文化心理学以理解人类心理与其文化背景的关系为起点,突出了文化脉络、社会生活、历史背景等在心理学研究中的地位。

    With the understanding of the relationship between human mind and human cultural background taken as its starting point , cultural psychology stresses the status of cultural sequence of ideas , social lives , historical background , etc. in psychological research .