
wèi shēnɡ jiān cè
  • monitoring of hygiene;monitoring of sanitation
  1. Access软件在卫生监测信息管理中的研究与应用

    Access Software in Research and Application in Healthy Monitor Management System Design

  2. 应用RSR法综合评价食品卫生监测合格率

    Comprehensive evaluation on the qualification rate of food sanitation surveyed by using RSR method

  3. 用某炼油厂职业卫生监测数据为例,在EXCEL电子表格中,介绍了应用最大似然法(MLE)处理检测限以下测量值中的步骤。

    Steps of maximum likelihood estimation ( MLE ) in EXCEL spreadsheet were illustrated at length with the example of measurements from a refinery .

  4. 可见,OPFTIR与一维CT模型联用,可以给出污染物的单光程浓度分布,该技术应用于工业或环境卫生监测,具有预警作用。

    It can be concluded that OP-FTIR coupled with one-dimensional CT reconstruction can provide the concentration distribution of air contaminant along one single beam path and monitor in environmental and industrial ~ hygiene working as an ~ alarm system .

  5. LeGall表示,通过加强全世界动物和人类医疗卫生监测系统,各方在应对当前的禽流感疫情方面正取得进展。

    Le Gall said that progress is being made now to tackle the current bird flu outbreak by strengthening veterinary and human health monitoring systems around the world .

  6. 结论为预防集体性食物中毒的发生,应加强食品卫生监测,应用食品安全的危险分析手段,在食品行业推广HACCP(关键控制点危害因素分析)的管理方法。

    Conclusion Surveillance on food hygiene should be enhanced , and the method of food safety risk analysis should be applied . The management measures of HACCP ( the hazard analysis of control points ) system should also be generalized in food industries .

  7. 方法对该基地所有自备水源的20个单位共23个水源水和23个末梢水的水质进行卫生监测,根据GB5749-85《生活饮用水卫生标准》进行评价。

    [ Methods ] Hygienic supervision was done on 23 water sources and 23 tip water of 20 units of the base ; evaluation was made according to GB 5749-85 " Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water " .

  8. 方法根据《公共场所卫生监测技术规范》(GB/T17220-1998)的要求对《公共浴室卫生标准》(GB9665-1996)中所列的项目进行监测。

    Methods According to " Public place Health monitoring Technology standard "( GB / T17220-1998 ), the project in ( GB9665-1996 ) arranges in order which to " Pub-lic bathhouse Health Standard " carries on the monitor .

  9. 新疆农村饮水卫生监测及评价

    Monitoring and Evaluating of hygiene of Drinking Water in Xinjiang Counties

  10. 2001-2005年绵阳市食品卫生监测结果分析

    Health Monitor of Foodstuff in Mianyang City During 2001 to 2005

  11. 室内环境卫生监测仪器的现状与发展

    The Status and Developments of Monitoring Instruments for Indoor Environmental Air

  12. 公共场所饮用二次供水卫生监测结果分析

    Analysis on Sanitation of Secondary Drinking Water Supply System in Public Places

  13. 医院消毒卫生监测信息网络系统的研究与应用

    Study and application of hospital disinfection and health monitoring information network system

  14. 计量认证在卫生监测检验工作中的作用

    The Effect of the Metrology Accreditation in the Sanitary Monitoring and Testing

  15. 大连开发区工业企业职业卫生监测分析

    Occupational Health Monitoring over the Industrial Enterprises in Dalian Economic Developing Area

  16. (一)进行食品卫生监测、检验和技术指导;

    To provide monitoring , inspection and technical guidance for food hygiene ;

  17. 东莞市游泳池水卫生监测结果分析

    Analyze the sanitary monitor results of swimming pool water in Dongguan City

  18. 便于卫生监测信息的统计与查询。

    To enable the count and demand of the sanitation monitor information .

  19. 融水县医院自身卫生监测情况报告

    Report of the Condition of Hygienic Survillance of Rongshui County Hospital Itself

  20. 各国和全球用水供应和卫生监测系统

    National and Global Water Supply and Sanitation Monitoring System

  21. 浙江省公共卫生监测样本地区设计研究

    Selection of Public Health Surveillance Sample for Zhejiang Province

  22. 加强妇幼卫生监测质量控制提高妇幼卫生工作水平

    Strengthen Quality Control of MCH Monitoring , Improve the Level of MCH Work

  23. 2005&2007年福州市3类食品卫生监测结果

    Hygienic Monitoring Results of 3 Kinds of Food in Fuzhou City during 2005-2007

  24. 某基地2004年生活饮用水卫生监测结果分析

    Hygienic Supervision of the Daily Drinking Water in a Certain Base in 2004

  25. 国家用水供应和卫生监测工作的指导原则

    Guiding Principles for National Water Supply and Sanitation Monitoring

  26. 南宁市地域食品的卫生监测与安全评价

    Results of hygienic monitoring and safety assessment of food stuff in Nanning City

  27. 同时规定了厕所、猪圈的卫生监测方法。

    The sanitary supervision methods of latrine and pigsty are also worked out .

  28. 2008年中山市游泳池水质卫生监测

    Analysis of the Hygienic Qualities of Swimming Pool Water in Zhongshan in 2008

  29. 湖南省2005年食品卫生监测结果分析

    Survey on Inspection and Supervision of Food Hygiene in Hunan Province in 2005

  30. 防疫站卫生监测管理系统

    Sanitation Monitor Management System of Epidemic Prevention Station