
  1. 卫星遥感信息处理与多元统计分析

    Satellite remote sense information handle and pluralistic statistic analysis DF

  2. 卫星遥感地震信息处理系统的研制

    The Seismic Information Processing System Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Technology

  3. 基于数据挖掘机制的卫星遥感信息智能处理方法研究

    A Study on the Data Mining Strategy Based Intelligent Information Processing Technologies for Satellite Remote Sensing

  4. 青海省生态环境监测系统主要由遍布全省各典型生态系统区的生态环境监测站网、卫星遥感信息接收处理系统,信息收集、处理、模拟、评价系统,综合信息服务与反馈等部分组成。

    Ecological Environment Monitoring System of Qinghai Province is comprised of ecological environment monitoring network of all typical eco system area , remote sensing receiving and processing system , information collection , data processing , signal simulation , evaluation system , comprehensive information service and feedback system and so on .