
wèi xīnɡ diàn shì
  • satellite television
  1. 第六十六条县级以上人民政府应当发展卫星电视教育和其他现代化教学手段,有关行政部门应当优先安排,给予扶持。

    Article 66 People 's governments at or above the county level shall develop satellite television education and other modern means for teaching and learning , and the administrative departments concerned shall give such development priority and support .

  2. 一家人坐在炕上看卫星电视和DVD录相。

    Families gather on them to watch satellite television and DVDs .

  3. 中国有将近1,500万卫星电视和有线电视用户。

    China has almost 15 million subscribers to satellite and cable television .

  4. 卫星电视已被普遍接受。

    Satellite TV is here to stay

  5. Bskyb,英国最大的卫星电视服务公司已经在向其900万用户提供互动广告了。

    BSkyB , Britain 's biggest satellite-television service , already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads.

  6. 他们厌烦了每个月100多美元的电视费。他们中越来越多的人不再交有线电视和卫星电视服务费,也不用室外天线接收免费电视信号。

    They 're tired of $ 100-plus monthly bills . A growing number of them have stopped paying for cable and satellite TV service , and don 't even use an antenna to get free signals over the air .

  7. 利用C频段卫星电视信号研究电离层闪烁

    Studies of Ionospheric Scintillation for C band signals from TV satellite

  8. 介绍了卫星电视广播的MAC制的特点、原理及传送过程。

    Introduces the feature , principle and transfer proceeding of MAC system of Satellite TV broadcasting .

  9. 人们开始使用手机,收看卫星电视,登录Facebook和Twitter。

    People have taken up mobile phones , watched satellite television and switched on Facebook and Twitter .

  10. 介绍了一种Ku波段接收直播卫星电视信号的平面型天线。

    A Ku-band antenna for receiving DBS TV signal is presented .

  11. 数字卫星电视与模拟卫星电视相比,有着极大的优势。它能传送多路电视、数据信号,还可宽带接入Internet网,实现交互式教学。

    Digital satellite television has more advantages than simulate satellite TV . It can transmit multi - channel signals of television and data , connect with Internet and realize teaching interactivity .

  12. 供Ku波段卫星电视接收的径向线缝隙天线

    A Radial Line Slot Antenna for Ku-Band Satellite TV Receiving

  13. DVB卫星电视节目的实时播放和记录

    Real-time Preview and Recording of DVB Satellite TV Program

  14. 与有线电视或者卫星电视这些传统的单向多点传送网络相比,IPTV有很大的不同。

    IPTV works quite differently from traditional unidirectional multicast networks such as cable or satellite television .

  15. 董事会成员在新闻集团旗下意大利卫星电视业务SkyItalia的办公室碰头。

    Board members met at the offices of News Corp. 's Italian satellite-TV business , Sky Italia .

  16. 利用安捷伦ADS产生DVB-S数字卫星电视信号&ADS仪表连接应用

    To Generate the DVB-S Digital Satellite Digital Signal with Agilent ADS & ADS Instrument Connection Application

  17. 卫星电视公司(DirectTV、DISHNetwork)有着利润颇丰的电视业务和覆盖全国的网络系统,但是缺少真正的宽带网络服务,所以他们并不适合。

    The satellite TV guys ( DirecTV , Dish Network ) have good pay TV businesses and nationwide coverage but lack true broadband Internet offerings , so they wouldn 't be a fit .

  18. 随着dvd机、字录像机、线及卫星电视解码器的应用越来越普遍,遥控器也更多、复杂了。

    As DVD-players , digital video-recorders and cable and satellite decoders proliferate , controllers have become more complicated and more numerous .

  19. 浅析DVB-S数字卫星电视系统

    A Brief Analysis on The Digital Satellite Communication of DVB-S

  20. 均配有ADSL宽带上网、电子保险相及卫星电视,满足不同层次客人的需要。

    Each room is equipped with ADSL Internet sockets , electronic safe and satellite TV to meet your different demands .

  21. 我发现该产品在网络和电视方面的冲突极其错综复杂,对没有开通DISHNetwork卫星电视的用户来说,其搜索功能很不完善,而针对大屏幕的应用软件也乏善可陈。

    I found it an overly complex collision of the web and television , with incomplete search functionality for anyone without Dish Network satellite TV and few worthwhile apps available so far for the bigger screen .

  22. 5m卫星电视地面站装调技术及图像质量

    The Technology of Installment and Adjustment and the Quality of the Picture in the 3 . 5-meter-diameter Satellite TV Ground Station

  23. 尽管巴基斯坦对印度电影的禁令已实施了40年,但印度电影在巴基斯坦深受大众喜爱。兴盛的DVD市场和卫星电视使巴基斯坦人在家中也可以欣赏宝莱坞制作的影片。

    Indian films are hugely popular in Pakistan , and a flourishing bootleg DVD industry and satellite television mean Pakistanis can now watch Bollywood movies at home .

  24. 有线电视和卫星电视提供商有着强有力的地位,康卡斯特(ComcastCorp.)等大公司也在准备进行重大升级。

    Cable - and satellite-TV providers have strong positions , with big players like Comcast Corp. preparing major upgrades of their own .

  25. 随着主要电信运营商逐步展开它们的业务,有线电视、卫星电视、iptv以及网络电视/视频点播等业务对用户的争夺战将逐步升级。

    As the major telecom carriers deploy services , there will be an escalating battle for subscribers between cable , satellite , IPTV and Internet TV / video-on-demand .

  26. 每间房间都有迷你冰箱、私人保险箱、超薄卫星电视、免费宽带上网接口、独立的淋浴间、CD播放机等高科技设施。

    Each suit has some hi-tech establishments such as mini-fridge , a private coffer , a Ultra Fine satellite TV , a free LAN connection , a independent bathroom and a CD & player and so on .

  27. 根据最新的卫星电视传输标准,提出了一种基于FPGA的DVB-S2信道解调系统。

    According to the newly released standard for the second generation of DVB-S , a demodulation system for DVB-S2 based on FPGA is proposed in this paper .

  28. STV船载卫星电视接收站

    STV Ship-Borne Satellite TV Receiver

  29. 针对卫星电视直播接收系统,用ADS设计了一个宽频带、高镜像抑制度、低噪声的Ku波段镜像抑制混频器,并同普通平衡混频器进行了对比分析,显示了其优越的性能。

    For the application of Direct Broadcast Satellite ( DBS ), a Ku-band high image rejection broadband mixer is designed using ADS. It appears predominant performances when compared with common single balanced mixer .

  30. 作为有线数字电视的前端接收设备,专业IRD负有保障卫星电视节目内容健康安全的责任。

    As the front-end DVB-S receiving equipment , professional IRD is responsible for ensure the security of the satellite TV programs .