
  • 网络blog site;Blogspot
  1. 如果你在讨论一个如此大的博客网站,你需要从DNS开始你的设计。

    If you are talking about a BLOG site this large , then you need to start your design from the DNS level .

  2. 就在本周早些时候,博客网站9to5mac上披露了一项名为Healthbook的苹果公司未公开服务。

    Meanwhile , details of an unannounced Apple service , called Healthbook , were leaked earlier in the week to the blog site 9to5mac .

  3. 感谢博客网站TheLoop创始人吉姆o达尔林普尔向我们提供信息。

    Thanks to The Loop 's Jim Dalrymple for the tip .

  4. 不过,这次大会根本没有像美国得克萨斯州举行的西南偏南大型音乐节(SouthbySouthwest)那么轰动爆棚,甚至也赶不上像知名科技博客网站TechCrunch举办的Disrupt这种更正统的会议。

    Or even a more modest confab like a techcrunch disrupt .

  5. 许多知名人士表示张贴微型博客网站Twitter的消息他们的悲痛。

    Many celebrities expressed their grief by posting messages on micro-blogging site Twitter .

  6. 最后,flock仅仅和某几家社交、照片共享和博客网站合作。

    Finally , flock works with only certain social networking , photo-sharing and blogging services .

  7. 科技博客网站InsideFacebook对Facebook作为商业平台的使用情况进行了研究,并按每月230美元至300美元的价格出售研究结果。

    Inside Facebook sells its research into how Facebook is being used as a business platform for $ 230 - $ 300 a month .

  8. 启用一个独立的网络域名去建立博客网站,Blog是weblog网络日志的缩写形式,它第一次出现是在1997年。Blog可以作为名词或者动词使用。

    It 's an abbreviation of " web log "; a phrase that was first used in1997 , both as a noun and as a verb .

  9. 我们社会就是这样对待我们,还有我们纳税的父母的,在新加坡一个叫做思维的鱼缸(TheThinkingFishTank)的博客网站上,今年贴出了这样一个帖子。

    This is how our society treats us and our parents who pay taxes , read a post this year on The Thinking Fish Tank , a Singapore-based blog .

  10. 社交博客网站Tumblr强力造势后,英国男孩组合一世代(OneDirection)在该网站发布了其美国巡演的官方博客。

    One Direction , the British boy band , launched its official U.S. tour blog on Tumblr , after the social blog network made a compelling pitch .

  11. 2012年,博客网站Gizmodo获得了一份苹果公司(Apple)的天才(Genius)培训手册。

    In 2012 , the blog Gizmodo acqxuired a copy of Apple 's Genius training manual .

  12. 希尔最近在诺贝尔奖得主云集的博客网站ProjectSyndicate上发表文章称,各国政府和经济学家们关注的数据失真。

    In a recent article in project syndicate , an economics blog featuring Nobel laureates , he argues that governments and economists have focused on the wrong statistics .

  13. 现在看来,雅虎(Yahoo)以11亿美元天价收购轻博客网站Tumblr已成定局。

    It looks like yahoohas offered to buy Tumblr for the sticker-shock price of $ 1.1 billion .

  14. 比如,我热衷于为我的博客网站使用WordPress。

    For example , I 'm an avid user of WordPress for my blog Web site .

  15. 据挪威这家科技博客网站VidxHD泄露的图片和视频显示,新款iPhone将有2种大小。

    Based on leaked images and videos , like this one from Norwegian tech blogging site VidxHD , the new iPhone will come in two sizes .

  16. 这样的情绪也出现在了左翼媒体,比如博客网站TheDailyKos,它将QE称为大银行的公司福利。

    These sentiments were echoed by left-leaning publications like The Daily Kos , which referred to QE as corporate welfare for big banks .

  17. 雅虎迄今最大的一笔交易是出资11亿美元收购轻博客网站Tumblr。

    The biggest was her $ 1.1 billion purchase of blogging site Tumblr .

  18. 去年阿里巴巴斥资5.858亿美元收购了新浪微博(SinaWeibo)的18%股权,新浪微博是新浪(SinaCorp.)旗下的高人气微博客网站。

    Last year Alibaba invested $ 585.8 million for a 18 % stake in Sina Weibo , the popular microblogging site controlled by Sina Corp.

  19. 美国组:你的团队都用什么工具,邮件列表、论坛、IRC、网站、微博客网站或其他?

    US : What tools do you use for your team ? Mailing Lists , Forums , IRC , websites , Micro-blogging sites etc.

  20. 专利博客网站FOSSPatents的弗洛里安•穆勒一直密切关注这场专利诉讼,他发表博客指出,此次裁决并非苹果所期待的“致命一击”。

    According to FOSS patents ' Florian Mueller , who has been closely following the case , the ruling is not the knockout punch Apple had been seeking .

  21. 约翰•毕格斯在科技博客网站TechCrunch上撰文指出,作为主要电视厂商以及最为成功的手机制造商之一,三星(Samsung)有可能成为下一个苹果(Apple)。

    As the leading TV vendor and one of the most successful cell phone manufacturers , John Biggs over at techcrunch argues that Samsung could be the next apple ( AAPL ) .

  22. 该应用程序从新闻和博客网站提取feeds和图片,它还能提取Facebook等社交网站,显示你的朋友分享的文章链接。

    The app pulls in feeds and related photos from a variety of news and blog sites , as well as social sites such as Facebook , which can show you links to articles your friends have shared .

  23. PACC副秘书长普拉朗·普雷希特关注如博客网站等的新生事物如何帮助打击腐败。

    PACC deputy secretary general Prayong Preeyachitt sees such innovations as Blogspot as helping to combat corruption .

  24. 博客网站MacRumors早些时候公布了这一数据。

    The blog MacRumors earlier spotted the statistic .

  25. 借助各种社交媒体工具,如中国的微博客网站、类似于Twitter的新浪微博(Weibo),以及手机即时信息平台微信(WeChat),中国的城市居民在环境问题上正变得越来越敢言。

    Empowered by social media tools such as Weibo , China 's equivalent of Twitter , and WeChat , a smartphone messaging app , China 's urban citizens are becoming more and more vocal about environmental concerns .

  26. 这家互联网搜索引擎公司周一被迫承认其算法出了问题,将一家不准确地声称唐纳德.特朗普(DonaldTrump)赢得的普选票比希拉里.克林顿(HillaryClinton)多的右翼博客网站,放到了其搜索结果中排名最靠前的位置。

    The internet search engine was forced on Monday to admit its algorithms had failed by giving top placement in its results to a rightwing blog that claimed , inaccurately , that Donald Trump had won more votes than Hillary Clinton .

  27. 4月1日,有人在餐饮博客网站TabletoGrave上发帖称,美国食品公司TheKelloggCo.计划推出一系列PopTart蛋糕味伏特加。

    When food blog table to grave ran an April 1 item that the Kellogg Co. ( k , Fortune 500 ) planned to launch a line of pop tart-flavored vodkas , the Internet lit up with tweets and commentary from detractors and proponents alike .

  28. 新闻博客网站Mashable对它的形容是“优雅”;科技媒体TechCrunch也表示:“在运行谷歌软件系统的可穿戴设备中,它很可能是有史以来最好看的产品之一。”

    Mashable called it elegant and TechCrunch said " it 's easily one of the best looking devices ever to sport Google 's wearable software platform . "

  29. 同时,TechCrunch的写手们也加入了论战,发帖哀叹,称唯一的出路可能是最极端的,那就是这家大受欢迎的博客网站被公然扼杀。

    TechCrunch writers , meanwhile , jumped into the fray , publishing posts lamenting that the only way forward might be the most drastic : a full , public disemboweling of the popular blog .

  30. 推特作为目前Web2.0最主流的信息技术,是对用户发布信息的字数有一定限制的一种微型博客网站,它的信息共享方式和传播方式的多样性能够弥补传统课堂教学的不足。

    Twitter as the most mainstream information technology of Web 2.0 is a microblogging site , on which the number of characters published by its users is limited , but its information sharing and dissemination of diversity can make up for the lack of traditional classroom teaching .