
  • 网络Hidden Text;hide text
  1. 按Tab可选择下一个隐藏文本或超链接。

    Press TAB to select the next hidden text or hyperlink .

  2. 不管怎样,您现在有了XHTML页面,它具有可标识的部分,并且具有容易标记和查找的隐藏文本。

    Either way , you now have an XHTML page with clearly identifiable sections , as well as hidden text that 's marked up and easy to locate .

  3. 注意不要使用CSS来隐藏文本,Google会发现并讨厌它。

    Be careful not using CSS to hide text , Google sees it and doesn 't like it .

  4. 一种在BMP图像中隐藏文本的简单方法

    A Simple Method of Hiding Text to BMP Image

  5. 获取/设置搜索是否包括隐藏文本。

    Gets / Sets whether or not hidden text is included in the search .

  6. 视频信号中隐藏文本信息实现隐蔽通信

    Hiding Text Information in Video for Covert Communication

  7. 且该算法可以用于在语音中隐藏文本、图像等信息数据。

    And it also can be used to hide other information such as text , image into voice .

  8. 拖到绘图页上并将其放在正视图旁边。右击可显示或隐藏文本。

    Drag onto the page and place next to an elevation view . Right-click to show or hide text .

  9. 选择下一个隐藏文本或超链接,包括主题顶部的“全部显示”或“全部隐藏”。

    Select the next hidden text or hyperlink , including show all or hide all at the top of a topic .

  10. 不要试图用和文本同样的背景色来隐藏文本。

    Don 't hide text either by setting the same color for the text as for the background , that 's just dumb .

  11. 使用文档检查器检测并删除不需要的批注、隐藏文本或个人身份信息,从而准备好与其他人共享演示文稿。

    Detect and remove unwanted comments , hidden text , or personally identifiable information using the document inspector , to prepare your presentation to be shared with others .

  12. 当整个表单提交到服务器时,隐藏的文本字段提供了一个存储Airport的id的位置。

    The hidden text field gives me a place to store the id of the Airport when the entire form is submitted back to the server .

  13. 如果您以后希望标语div内的部分文本是图像,并且另一部分比如副标题或说明性文字保持为普通文本,您可以仅将隐藏的文本放置在span内部。

    If you later wanted part of the text in the slogan div to be graphical , and another part say a sub-title or elaboration to remain normal text , you could surround just the hidden text within a span .

  14. 这里已经隐藏了文本,但并没有使用什么技巧。

    This hides the text , and you 're still not using anything particularly tricky .

  15. 即通过对文档的格式作一些微量调整,将信息以二进制编码的形式隐藏于文本对象的变动中。

    Through make some adjustments on the format of the document , hide the watermarking information into text documents with binary code by the document object changes .

  16. 在我的早期作品中,我作为一个现代的说书人,是隐藏在文本背后的,但从《檀香刑》这部小说开始,我终于从后台跳到了前台。

    I was a modern-day storyteller who hid in the background of his early work ; but with the novel Sandalwood Death I jumped out of the shadows .

  17. 这种算法成功的将水印信息隐藏于文本的内容之中,从而较之以前的各种水印算法,在水印的不可感知性、鲁邦性等方面均获得了很大的进步。

    This algorithm embeds the watermark information into the contents of the text successfully . Compared with the previous watermarking algorithm , this algorithm gets a big step forward on aspect of invisible character and robust character .

  18. 最后通过对上述的分析,剥离出隐藏于文本下的法律精神与借鉴意义,对我们思考建构合理化的当代法治有所启示。

    Finally , the paper strips out the spirit of the law and its significance for reference hidden in the text through the above analysis , which may has some enlightenment on our construction of rational contemporary rules .

  19. 本文将女性性爱书写放置在文化背景下,从作者的写作姿态、文本的叙事策略以及文化语境等方面,探讨隐藏在文本背后的文化意蕴。

    The thesis places female sexual narrative in the cultural background to discuss its cultural connotation behind the texts from the authors ' intention , the ways of the narrative and the details and cultural backgrounds of the texts .

  20. 由于本算法将秘密信息隐藏在文本句型而不是语句本身,从而可任意选取载体文本而彻底避免了语义一致性问题。

    As the secret message is hidden in the text document pattern instead of the sentence itself , this calculation makes it possible to select the carrier text document at random and consequently avoid the problem of syntactic conformity .

  21. 利用XML的这一特性,可以将秘密的信息隐藏到XML文本中。

    With this characteristic , some secret information could be input into the XML text .

  22. 现在您需要隐藏两小段文本。

    Now you need to hide those two blocks of text .

  23. 利用字符的冗余编码携带隐藏信息的文本数字水印技术

    Text Watermarking Technology Based on Storing Hiding Information in Redundant Code of Symbol

  24. 文本信息隐藏是以文本为隐藏载体的信息隐藏,它通过利用文本在格式、编码、结构、语法和语义等方面的冗余,把隐秘信息隐藏到文本之中。

    It hides secret information in the text carrier using the redundancy in format , coding , structure , syntax and semantics .

  25. 利用训练文档集准确高效地挖掘隐藏的用户文本偏好和概念向量是文本信息过滤和多文档自动文摘等自然语言处理应用的关键技术之一。

    It is one of the key technologies in NLP applications such as text information filtering and multi-document summarization to mine the hidden user text preference and concept vector from the training documents .

  26. 目前,文本中的信息隐藏技术研究已经日趋实用,其中自然语言信息隐藏技术代表了文本信息隐藏的发展趋势。

    So far , the text steganography techniques have been sufficiently studied and become more and more practical . Natural language steganography represents the trends of text steganography .