
nán ɡuā pài
  • pumpkin pie
  1. 吃苹果,南瓜派,糖果,甜甜圈。

    Eat apples , pumpkin pie , candy , and donuts .

  2. 今年的感恩节,妈妈就给我买了南瓜派。

    This Thanksgiving , my mom bought me a pumpkin pie .

  3. 在美国每逢感恩节,我们都会吃不同的菜肴:土鸡,土豆,南瓜派&这些统称dish(菜肴)。

    At Thanksgiving in the United States , we have different dishes : turkey , potatoes , pumpkin pie-these are dishes .

  4. 晚饭过后,康纳夫人在做万圣节的饼干和南瓜派。

    After dinner Mrs Connor makes Halloween cookies and pumpkin pies .

  5. 请给我一块南瓜派和一杯咖啡。

    A piece of pumpkin pie and coffee , please .

  6. 除那以外,他们还感谢有吃南瓜派的机会呢!

    That , and the chance to eat pumpkin pie !

  7. 我们吃火鸡,玉米和南瓜派。

    We eat turkeys , corn and pumpkin pie .

  8. 注意,南瓜派来了!

    Phoebe : Look out , incoming pumpkin pie !

  9. 面包师做桃子和南瓜派。

    The baker makes both peach and pumpkin pies .

  10. 快去,否则把你们做成南瓜派

    Go before I turn you into a pie .

  11. 我来准备咖啡和南瓜派。

    I will serve coffee and pumpkin pie .

  12. 南瓜派和南瓜汤是我最爱吃的两样东西。

    Pumpkin pies and pumpkin soup are two of my favorite things to eat .

  13. 我祖父母的邻居们给二人一个南瓜派,作为节日礼物。

    Some neighbors of my grandparents'gave them a pumpkin pie as a holiday gift .

  14. 她甜心、糖梅、苹果派、蜜派、蜜露、清晨玫瑰、南瓜派等等

    Sugar plum , apple pie , honey pie , honey dew , morning rose

  15. 在甜点方面,我们有南瓜派。

    I 'll serve coffee and pumpkin pie .

  16. 要不要再来一点南瓜派?

    How about a little more pumpkin pie ?

  17. 当我想到它的时候,我就想吃南瓜派。

    I love you , little pumpkin head .

  18. 我母亲会做南瓜派。

    My mother can make pumpkin pies .

  19. 我最喜欢南瓜派。

    Well , I like pumpkin best .

  20. 它用来装饰冰淇淋圣代,南瓜派,姜饼和热巧克力。

    It adorns ice cream sundaes , pumpkin pie , gingerbread , and hot chocolate .

  21. 还有很多别的美味食物&南瓜派、坚果、红莓酱和玉米。

    And many other delicious foods ! Pumpkin pies , nuts , cranberry sauce and corn .

  22. 听说过南瓜派吗?

    Ever hear of pumpkin pie ?

  23. 其他和火鸡相搭配的传统感恩节食物有:红薯,越橘和南瓜派。

    Other traditional Thanksgiving foods served with turkey are sweet potatoes , cranberries and pumpkin pie .

  24. 从监牢的汤匙取来的南瓜派饼成熟的美味是你一辈子永难忘的。

    The mellow sweetness of pumpkin pie off a prison spoon is something you will never forget .

  25. 混匀面粉、糖、甜菊、发酵粉和南瓜派香料。

    Mix dry ingredients together , flour , sugar , Stevia , baking powder and pumpkin pie spice .

  26. 第三,准备一些万圣节事物:爆米花、苹果、糖果、南瓜派和一些特别的万圣节饼干。

    Third , prepare some Halloween food : popcorn , apples , sweets , pumpkin pies and special Halloween cookies .

  27. 我妻子不喜欢吃南瓜派,所以她吃冰淇林做甜点。

    My wife is not a big fan of pumpkin pie so for her , we also have ice cream .

  28. 我们买回南瓜派,然后放到隔壁的办公室里,坐下来品尝。

    And then we set them in the office next door , and we sit down and we taste pumpkin pies .

  29. 火鸡,它是一种像鸡一样的禽,但比鸡大得多。还有南瓜派。

    Lucy : Turkey , it is a big bird like a chicken , but much bigger than chicken . And , pumpkin pie .

  30. 乔斯林•冯钟情的感恩节食物不是火鸡也不是南瓜派,而是一些结合美国传统和来自她父亲的中国习俗的东西。

    It 's not turkey or pumpkin pie for Jocelyn Fong , but something that combines American tradition with her father 's Chinese heritage .