- 名the Sino-British Treaty of Nanking ;Treaty of Nanjing ending Opium War

Treaty of Nanking signing ends the First Opium War .
On Nanjing Treaty and britain 's acquirement of the extraterritoriality in China
Qing Dynasty Opium War decline , the country mourning the right of the Treaty of Nanking .
In1842 signed the " Nanjing Treaty ", Hong Kong , as the name of the island was officially confirmed .
Generally speaking , British extraterritorial rights in China started when the Treaty of Nanking was signed following the Opium War .
The defeat of the First Opium War and the sign of the Treaty of Nanking led the Chinese social nature have changed .
After was just concluded and signed in1842 , the scholar " weiyuan " brought out his book for " anger and grumbling " .
After Nanjing Treaty was signed , Britain , Fance and The U.S.A demarcated respective residential district for businessmen one after the other , which became the concession .
The signing of Treaty of Nanking in 1842 and a series of other unequal treaties later objectively facilitated the prosperity of the Chinese translation of the Bible .
NANJING UNIVERSITY Following the signing of the Treaties of Nankin in 1842 , China ( the Qing Dynasty ) was forced to open five major seaports to western powers .
After the Opium War in1840 , the defeated Qing government signed the humiliating Treaty of Nanking , and since then , China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country .
After a long war of attrition , the ruling family of Hong Kong , the Ching Dynasty , signed the Treaty of Nanking , giving the British authority over Hong Kong and its territories .
After the Opium War , China was forced to sign " Nanking Treaty " with Britain . From them on , China entered an era of the unequal treaties , anti-unequal treaties revolution also began .
Ningbo was one of five foreign trade cities after the Nanjing Treaty was subscribed . It became the semi-colony earlier than many other cities . Therefore , it stood a special position in Chinese modern history .
By the Opium War after signing as " Nanjing Treaty " and a series of unequal treaties , the Western colonialists gained a lot of interests in China , which is the Western missionary activity cleared the obstacles .
It mainly discusses the state of early Sino-Anglo trade , the attitude of government of Tsing Dynasty to Sino-Anglo trade and related policies , the related regulations and influences of Nanjing treaty and its attachments to Sino-Anglo trade .
Early in 1842 , after signing the " Treaty of Nanjing ", Shanghai has become one of open foreign trading seaports in China , meanwhile , a large flow of fresh things , western thoughts as well as culture began to be introduced in .
A British fleet , commanded by Henry Pottinger , proceeded until Nanjing , when the Chinese government finally gave in and signed the Nanjing Treaty in 1842 , the first of a long line of shameful treaties for the Qing government , called 4tunequal treatiesFor twenty centuries ,
Though Guangzhou is in the south of Nanjing , it is not as hot as Nanjing . Hong Kong is an island which came into the pas session of the English by the treaty of Nankin , after the war of 1842 ;