
  • 网络Yield per unit area;yield per hectare
  1. 为了满足人口增长的需要,迫切需要提高单位面积产量。

    In order to meet the demand of growing population , there exists an urgent need in raising the yield per hectare .

  2. 我们要千方百计提高单位面积产量。

    We must do everything to raise the per unit yield .

  3. 当斜率B为-1>B≥-1.5时,竞争强度达到了既抑制个体生长又影响单位面积产量的程度,所以叫减产竞争区域。

    While slope B is in between - 1 and - 1.5 , it is the competition region with the yeild decreasing . The competition intensity here not only restricts the individual plant growth , but also affects the yeild per unit area .

  4. 每667m2定植166株,5年生单位面积产量可达3335kg,比定植42株提高1980kg。

    Planted 166 trees per 667 m2 , the yield reach 3 335 kg at five-year-old , and it increased 1980 kg more than planted 42 trees per 667m .

  5. 最佳种植密度为60cm×(25~30)cm,其根部产量性状较好,药材性状符合药典规定的标准,但单位面积产量表现中等,可在一定范围内合理密植,以提高产量。

    By comparison and contrast , the best density of crop was 60 cm ×( 25 ~ 30 ) cm . Its root production characters were best and its medicinal herbs accorded with standards of pharmacopoeia . But its yield per unit area was moderate .

  6. 本文通过对大豆公顷4875kg产量潜力的探讨,分析了大豆高产理论和公顷产量4875kg株型特征。指出个体、群体和环境构成了影响大豆单位面积产量的三要素。

    The article indicated that the three elements of soybean yield per unit area are consist of individual plant , population and environment .

  7. 湿地松不同播种量育苗试验,结果以播种量825kg/hm2的单位面积产量和质量最佳,产苗量100.5万株/hm2,(Ⅰ、Ⅱ级苗木边63万株/hm2);

    Seedling cultivation experiment on Slash pine ( Pinus elliottii ) with different sowing quantity resulted that the unit area output and quality was the best wiht 82-5kg / hm2 sowing ( seedling : 1 , 005 million / hm2 , Class ⅰ and ⅱ: 630 thousand / hm2 ) .

  8. 为发展山区民族经济和减小对热带山地森林的干扰,以海拔高度和单位面积产量作为砂仁种植适宜地选择标准,提出最适宜区是海拔800~1100m,0.0667hm2产干果15kg以上;

    In order to develop the national economy of mountain area and decrease the disturbance to tropical mountain forest , two criteria , altitude and Amomun production per unit , were selected to classify the sites for Amomun plantation .

  9. 提高我国胡椒单位面积产量的若干措施

    Some Measures to Increase Unit Area Production of Pepper in China

  10. 但山西省马铃薯产业开发仍存在一些制约因素,主要表现在四个方面:一是脱毒种薯推广速度慢,栽培技术落后,导致马铃薯单位面积产量低而不稳。

    But some restrictions still exists which are mainly showed as four aspects .

  11. 通过与文献数据比较,胡枝子饲料单位面积产量超过紫花苜蓿72%~121%。

    Its unit area production was 72 % - 121 % more than alfalfa .

  12. 安徽省烤烟单位面积产量产值的气候年型分析

    Analysis on Income and Yield of Flue-Cured Tobacco in Anhui Province in Different Years

  13. 谷糙分离设备单位面积产量

    Capacity per unit area of husked rice separator

  14. 单株性状好并不代表单位面积产量高。

    The perfect individual plant traits do not mean the high yield per unit area .

  15. 我国未来粮食安全主要依靠提高粮食单位面积产量,灌溉面积、良种和化肥等传统的增产贡献因子的作用却越来越有限。

    It is key approach of maintaining food security to improve per unit grain production .

  16. 提高现有耕地单位面积产量有潜力。

    There is potential for increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land .

  17. 移栽花生的单位面积产量显著高于直播花生。

    The yield was obvious higher in the method of transplanting peanut than in direct seeding .

  18. 皮棉的单位面积产量比去年增加了10%。

    The per unit area yield of ginned cotton has increased by 10 % over last year .

  19. 结果表明三杂配套模式及其配套技术能明显提高作物单位面积产量和经济效益。

    The results indicated that output and economical benefit were significant increased . output of the model .

  20. 施用化肥是提高农作物单位面积产量的重要手段之一。

    Application of chemical fertilizer is one of the important means to increase yield of crops per unit area .

  21. 但是单位面积产量低一直是制约油茶产业快速发展的主要因素。

    But the low yield per unit area has been the main factors restricting the rapid development of oil-tea industry .

  22. 临安市山核桃单位面积产量变化特征的时间序列分析

    The Time Sequence Analysis of Juglans sieboldiana Maxim . Unit Area Yield in Lin ′ an City , Zhejiang Province

  23. 单位面积产量较多,差异不显著(P>0.05);

    Yields of watermelons in unit area were higher , there were no significantly differents ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 单位面积产量的超亲优势从-19.19%到142.78%不等,平均超亲优势值为35.7%;

    The average heterobeltiosis of hybrids over male parents was 35.7 % , ranging from - 19.19 % to 142.78 % .

  25. 业已证明,增加种植密度能显著提高单位面积产量。

    It has been proven with many crops that use of high plant density can significantly increase yield per unit area .

  26. 单位面积产量低、投产率低、商品质量差、经济效益差。

    As follows : 1 . Low yield per unit area , low production efficiency , low commodity quality and economic effects .

  27. 了解不同熟期大穗大粒型小麦灌浆生理特性对选育优良品种及提高小麦单位面积产量具有重要的指导意义。

    Studying on the grain-filling characteristics of wheat with big-spike and high-kernel weight is important to breeding new varieties and high yield .

  28. 单位面积产量更多,差异显著(P<0.05),增产22.26%;

    Yields of watermelons in unit area were higher , there were significantly differents ( P < 0.05 ), increasing 22.26 % .

  29. 结果显示:粮食单位面积产量、有效灌溉面积、农业机械化程度对粮食总产量的影响较大。

    It was found that the yield , irrigated area and mechanization in agriculture were the most important factors affecting the production .

  30. 结果表明:油桐单位面积产量、枝条生长量等随土壤容重的减小而增大。

    The results show , the output of tung oil trees in a unit area and the growth amounts of the branches , etc.