
  • 网络washington mutual;WAMU;washington mutual inc
  1. 华盛顿互惠银行把很多资产投在高风险的次级房贷上,但是由于很多贷款者无法偿还贷款而负债高达几十亿美元。

    Washington Mutual has been saddled with billions of dollars of debt because it heavily invested in selling risky subprime mortgages to customers who later defaulted on them .

  2. 上周,不堪承受大量不良抵押的一家储蓄银行&华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)破产,成为美国有史以来最大的倒闭银行。

    Last week Washington Mutual , a thrift saddled with rotten mortgages , became the largest-ever American lender to fail .

  3. 过去几个月,已有多家银行受到工会冲击,其中包括摩根士丹利(morganstanley)、美国银行(bankofamerica)和华盛顿互惠银行(washingtonmutual)。

    Over the past few months , banks including Morgan Stanley , Bank of America and Washington Mutual have come under fire from the labour movement .

  4. 近日,另外两家破产的金融机构华盛顿互惠银行(washingtonmutual)和印地麦克银行(indymac)的股价也出现飙升。

    Shares in Washington Mutual and IndyMac , two other bankrupt financial institutions , have also risen sharply in recent days .

  5. 一些专家甚至预计,监管部门将放宽阻碍收购困境机构的会计规定,为(比如说)高盛或摩根士丹利收购处境不佳的华盛顿互惠银行(washingtonmutual)提供便利。

    Some experts even expect regulators to relax accounting rules that discourage takeovers of troubled institutions to facilitate , say , a purchase of ailing Washington Mutual by either Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley .

  6. 在金融危机爆发后的2008年4月,TPG投资了华盛顿互惠银行,但这一次未能成功。

    TPG failed to repeat that success when it invested in Washington Mutual in April 2008 as the crisis unfolded .

  7. 的确,监管机构有足够的证据证明,摩根大通及其收购的贝尔斯登(BearStearns)和华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)向投资者出售的债券与他们所宣称的不符。

    Yes , regulators have plenty of evidence that JPMorgan ( JPM ) along with Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual , both of which JPMorgan bought sold bonds to investors that were not what they claimed .

  8. 2008年,中国外管局曾出资25亿美元与德州太平洋集团(TPG)共同投资,其中一些资金所投的投资工具后来亏损10亿美元,原因是其在错误的时机向陷于困境的华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)作出投资。

    In 2008 , Safe invested $ 2.5bn with TPG , some of it in investment vehicles that went on to lose $ 1bn in an ill-timed investment in Washington Mutual , the distressed lender .

  9. 摩根大通及其于2008年收购的贝尔斯登(BearStearns)和华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)被指控应该为这些债券造成的一些损失承担部分责任,摩根大通同意为此支付40亿美元达成和解。

    JPMorgan is paying $ 4 billion to settle the claim that it , along with Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual , which JPMorgan bought in 2008 , are in part responsible for some of the losses on the bonds .

  10. 周一花旗集团同意购买大部分美联(Wachovia)资产,美联是一家比华盛顿互惠银行规模更大的银行,此项交易由监管方撮合。

    And on Monday Citigroup agreed to buy most of the assets of Wachovia , an even bigger American bank , in a deal brokered by regulators .

  11. 华盛顿互惠银行另一位名叫约翰·格雷比尔的雇员说,他感到乐观。

    John Graybill , another Washington Mutual employee said he is optimistic .

  12. 华盛顿互惠银行雇员凯尔西·韦斯利说,银行的雇员都感到紧张担心。

    Kelsey Wesley , a Washington Mutual employee says employees are nervous .

  13. 大型金融机构华盛顿互惠银行正在新老板的带领下为生存而挣扎。

    Washington Mutual , a big thrift , is fighting for survival under a new boss .

  14. 华盛顿互惠银行屋顶花园

    Washington Mutual Center Roof Garden

  15. 联邦储蓄保险公司主席希拉·布莱尔表示,对于华盛顿互惠银行的顾客来说,过渡将会非常平稳。

    FDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair says this will be a seamless transition for the bank 's customers .

  16. 一些分析人士表示,假如华盛顿互惠银行破产,联邦储蓄保险公司将不得不动用一半的政府保险资金。

    Some analysts say a Washington Mutual failure could have used up half the money in the government insurance fund .

  17. 当金融市场由于华尔街最新的危机而苦苦挣扎之际,总部设在西雅图的华盛顿互惠银行的倒闭,的确是雪上加霜。

    With financial markets reeling over the recent crisis on Wall Street , the collapse of Seattle-based Washington Mutual could not have come at a worse time .

  18. 交易员们表示,雷曼和华盛顿互惠银行的债务要多于现金,这说明它们毫无股权价值可言,购买其股票的行为是一种绝望之举。

    Traders say Lehman and WaMu have more debt than cash , meaning they have no equity value and that buying their shares is a forlorn cause .

  19. 但是,在她109页的决定中,沃尔拉斯拒绝华盛顿互惠银行整个重组计划,由于其寻求给懂事,主管和其他专业人员的广泛的保护。

    But in her109-page decision , Walrath rejected WaMu 's overall reorganization plan because of the wide-ranging protection it sought to give directors , officers and other professionals .

  20. 她也注意到华盛顿互惠银行企图避开高管任何的“故意的渎职和重大过失”,她表示这是太过广泛的。

    She also noted that WaMu was attempting to shield the executives from any responsibility for " willful misconduct and gross negligence ," which she said was too extensive .

  21. 2008年全面爆发的金融危机,使得美国高盛、美林这样的投行,以及花旗、富国银行等银行损失惨重,华盛顿互惠银行更是濒临倒闭而被收购。

    In 2008 a full-blown financial crisis makes American Goldman Sachs , Merrill Lynch , such banks , Citibank , Wells Fargo Bank and bank losses , Washington Mutual was on the verge of bankruptcy and is bought .

  22. 美国联邦储蓄保险公司为储户十万美元以下的储蓄投了保,但是表示,由于转售交易的达成,联邦储蓄保险公司不必利用自身的资产向华盛顿互惠银行的储户支付赔偿。

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Company , FDIC , insures Americans ' bank deposits of up to $ 100000 . But it says because of the deal it will not have to use its assets to cover Washington Mutual 's deposits .

  23. 现在,许多政策制定者和投资者也会做出这样的反应&不仅是对上月美国最大储蓄贷款机构华盛顿互惠银行的终结,也是对正在撼动全球经济的广泛金融危机。

    It is a reaction many other policymakers and investors would now echo - not just in relation to last month 's demise of WaMu , the largest US savings and loans association , but also to the wider financial crisis that is convulsing the global economy .

  24. 正当美国国会仍然就政府提出的七千亿美元拯救金融市场计划争吵不休的时候,美国规模最大的银行之一--华盛顿互惠银行--却由于无法承受其巨大的房贷坏帐而破产。

    JP Morgan Chase Buys Troubled Washington Mutual Bank As U.S. lawmakers grappled over a $ 700 billion dollar bank bailout plan , one of the nation 's largest banks - Washington Mutual Incorporated - collapsed under the weight of its enormous bad bets on the U.S. mortgage market .

  25. 以公荀申请对债权人的破产保护时的资产计算,过去一年中美国经济史上最大的8家公司有5家申请破产。除雷曼兄弟外,华盛顿互惠银行、桑伯格抵押公司、通用汽车和克莱斯莱也在名单之列。

    Measured by the firm 's assets at the time of filing for protection from their creditors , the past year has seen five of the eight biggest bankruptcy filings in the history of American business-with Washington Mutual , Thornburg Mortgage , General Motors ( GM ) and Chrysler joining Lehman on the list .