
  • 网络cetv;china entertainment television;China Entertainment TV
  1. 但正是这样一种冒险行动,令他得以成功创办华娱卫视。

    But it was just such a gamble that allowed him to start CETV .

  2. 蔡和平表示,与华娱卫视不同,他这次的目标不只是创办一个成功的频道。

    Unlike with CETV , Mr Chua says his objective this time is not simply to create a successful channel .

  3. 前日在华娱卫视“亚洲十大红人颁奖典礼”上,记者独家采访到了贺军翔。

    The day before on Asian Top10 Most popular stars ceremony , our reporter exclusively reported Mike He .

  4. 在获得市场准入之后,他向一家东南亚财团和北美投资者筹得约3000万美元,并于1995年3月推出了华娱卫视。

    With access secured , he was able to round up $ 30m from a consortium of south-east Asian and North American investors , and CETV was launched in March 1995 .