
  • 网络the 12th Five-Year Plan;twelfth five-year plan;Super-GPZ
  1. 西安电网十二五规划有关问题的研究与思考

    Research and Consideration on Related Problems of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Xi'an Power Grid

  2. 对制定“十二五”石油和化工发展规划发表了观点。

    To give the viewpoint on making the Twelfth Five-Year Plan of petroleum and chemical industry development .

  3. 到去年年末全国总体养老床位,包括机构和社区日间照料中心,已经达到了669万张,实现了“十二五”规划预定目标,每1000名老年人拥有的床位数30.2张。

    The number of beds in nursing institutions and community day-care centers nationwide has reached 6.69 million , realizing the target set in the 12th Five-Year Plan ( 2011-2015 ) . The average number of nursing beds for per 1000 seniors is 30.2 .

  4. 在3月北京召开的2011年中国发展高层论坛(ChinaDevelopmentForum)上,就十二五规划展开的讨论让我清楚认识到中国所面临经济挑战的性质。

    The nature of the challenge was made evident to me during discussions of the 12th five year plan at the China Development Forum 2011 in Beijing in March .

  5. 十二五期间,国家将继续推进经济和社会更好更快发展,GDP增幅仍将保持8%的增长。

    In the 12th five-year , China will continue to promote the social and economy to develop faster and better .

  6. 但是,2011年起将要实施的十二五计划表明,中国可能会调低GDP增长率目标。

    But in the 12th Five-Year Plan which begins in 2011 , China will possibly lower its GDP growth rate target .

  7. 同时作为国家十二五规划中大力发展的战略性新兴产业,物联网RFID产品必将得到迅速发展。

    The RFID of IOT is thought to be the strategic emerging industry at the Twelfth Five-Year Plan ; its products will be developed rapidly .

  8. 根据十二五规划纲要,2015年研发经费占GDP比重应达到2.2%,高于目前1.7%的水平。

    By the 12th Five-Year Programme , R & D expenditure will be increased from the current 1.7 per cent of GDP to 2.2 per cent of GDP in 2015 .

  9. 在“十二五”期间,上海将通过推行IC管理卡等先进模式,扩大资源循环利用的效率。

    In the " second Five-Year " period , Shanghai will be managed through the implementation of IC cards and other advanced mode , expand the resource efficiency of recycling .

  10. 综合考虑经济发展和可实现性,本研究确定河南省十二五节能目标为:到2015年时,全省的单位GDP能耗比2010年下降17%。

    According to economy development and realizability , provincial energy efficiency target for 12th years is that in the end of 2015 , energy intensity will drop by 17 % in comparison with that in 2010 .

  11. 第六部分是本文的总结,在上述分析与实证后,针对于安徽省如何在十二五期间更好的推进新型城镇化发展,提升FDI的拉动作用提出若干建议。

    After the empirical analysis above , this part made a number of recommendations on how to better promote the development of new urbanization and how to enhance the pulling effect of FDI during The Twelfth Five-Year Guide Line .

  12. 不断的引进吸收国外的先进技术,并在此基础上开发国内自主产权的专利技术和工法,为国家十二五规划的大力发展LNG储罐创造必要的条件。

    It continuously absorbs the advanced technologies of other countries and develop our own independent rights and patents , this provides necessary conditions for developing the LNG Storage Tanks in the twelfth five-year program .

  13. 此外,河南省万元GDP能耗高于全国平均水平尤其是东部发达地区,在中部六省中处于中游,人均三废排放量持续快速增加,十二五时期河南省节能减排提出了严峻的挑战。

    In addition , USD GDP energy consumption in Henan province is higher than the national average , especially in eastern regions , in the middle in the six provinces in central China , per capita waste emissions continue increasing rapidly .

  14. 基础设施建设在‘十二五’期间是国家发展的重点,在基础设施的施工过程中需要的桩基直径大多数在1.2m以下,深度在40m以内。

    Infrastructure construction during the development of a country period , in the infrastructure construction process needs of pile diameter in 1.2m below , depth in 40m within .

  15. 十二五规划中再一次提出将节能减排作为约束性指标:单位GDP能耗下降16%,二氧化碳排放强度下降17%,主要污染物排放总量减少8%-10%。

    Energy saving and emission reduction is again set as the binding targets in the twelfth five-year plan : energy consumption per GDP declines by 16 % , carbon dioxide emissions intensity declines by 17 % , total emissions of major pollutants declines by 8 % - 10 % .

  16. 在此背景下,ZH地产公司步入十二五快速发展、快速扩张的战略期,公司规模计划成倍扩大。

    In this context , ZH estate company entered the rapid development of the " 12th Five-Year period " of rapid . expansion strategy , the size of the company plan to expand exponentially .

  17. LJ公司作为一家正处在高速发展过程中的企业,十二五期间,确立了要成长为一家具有竞争力的行业先锋,国际一流企业的发展战略。

    LJ as one of the in a high-speed development of enterprises ," 12th Five-Year Plan ", established to grow into a competitive " pioneer of the industry , the international first-class " enterprise development strategy .

  18. 并以XH集团为例,结合当前十二五规划中文化类企业发展的普遍特点和运行轨迹,明确财务管控模式需跟随企业战略转型进行相应调整。

    Take XH group as an example and take into account of the common features and path of development for culture enterprises in the current twelfth Five-Year Plan , this paper comes up with the issue of adjustment in financial management and control as a result of the strategic transformation .

  19. “十二五”时期经济社会发展的国内外环境。

    " 1025 " period of social and economic development and environment .

  20. 这与十二五规划的目标一致。

    This is aligned with the objectives of the current five-year plan .

  21. 我国十二五综合资源战略规划的思考

    Study on Integrated Resource Strategic Planning of China in 2011-2015

  22. 贵州省十二五期公路交通需求预测研究

    Road Traffic Demand of Guizhou Province in the Twelfth Five Years Plan

  23. 问:请介绍中国十二五规划对中国发展的重要性?

    Q : How important is the 12th Five-Year Plan to Chinas development ?

  24. 因此,在“十二五”期间应当继续深化高等教育管理体制改革;

    Therefore , reform in the management system of higher education should be deepened ;

  25. 新加坡《联合早报》记者:我想请问关于“十二五”规划的问题。

    Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore : My question is about the 12th Five-Year Plan .

  26. 十二五刚要明确提出解决农村问题的任务。

    The Twelfth Five-Year Guideline defined explicitly the duty of solving the countryside questions .

  27. 新闻出版十二五规划把数字出版作为战略性新兴产业。

    Digital publishing as a strategic emerging industries had been included in the new plan .

  28. 提出了山东半岛蓝色经济区沿海港口十二五发展战略。

    It proposed the coastal port development strategy of Blue Economic Zone of Shandong Peninsula .

  29. 在十二五规划中,国家把节能减排作为一项重要任务来抓。

    In the " 12th Five-Year Plan ", the state energy conservation as an important task .

  30. 同时,从国内形势看,十二五时期,我国劳动力市场将发生明显改变。

    At the same time , from the domestic situation , our labor markets change dramatically .