
Methods : The comparative study of Radix Glehniae and Radix Saposhnicoviae was carried on through anti-inflammatory and analgesic experiment .
Analysis of the river channel stability and the characteristics of suspended sediment and water in the North Branch of the Changjiang River Estuary in recent years
From Guantao Formation to the Second Member of Shahejie Formation , alluvial fan , fan delta , loch beach barrier and fluvial facies were deposited in northern slope belt of eastern Chenjiazhuang Uplift .
Secondly , based on the suspended sediment transportation model , the sediment dynamic environment is modeled , with the results of the changes of suspended sediment concentration and the evolution of channel bed in the three different stimulation schemes .
In combination with the engineering progress , the variation of incoming water & sediment conditions of the north passage , adjustment process of river bed scouring and deposition , as well as reasons of obtaining the new river regime in the north passage are analyzed and studied .
Alongshore , during the flood tide the suspended sediment concertration in the south channel is greater than that in the north channel while during the ebb tide it in the north channel is greater than that in the south channel .