
  • 网络University of the North;Universiti Utara Malaysia;UUM;Universidad del Norte
  1. StennarPedersen是挪威北方大学远距离医学挪威中心的主任。

    Stennar Pedersen is the director of the Norwegian Center for Telemedicine at the University Hospital of North Norway .

  2. 1948年8月华北联合大学和北方大学合并,成立华北大学,校址设在河北省正定县城。

    In August 1948 , Huabei University was founded on the basis of the merging of Huabei University of Association and North University in Zhengding county , Hebei Province .

  3. 1948年10月晋察冀边区工业专门学校与北方大学工学院合并,成立华北大学工学院。

    In October 1948 , the Engineering College of North-China University was founded on the basis of the merging of Jin-Cha-Ji Remote Area Industrial College and the Engineering College of Northern University .

  4. 按照传统的想法,曼彻斯特大学是不如剑桥的,人们普遍认为,这所北方大学主要是技术性的,产生出一些工程师,而不是深奥的理论。

    There was a conventional sense in which Manchester , compared with Cambridge , was a come-down . It was largely the technical university of the North , producing doctors and engineers , rather than abstract ideas .

  5. 在开设计算机绘图课程的同时,作者开发了一个软件包&北方工业大学绘图系统(NGS)。

    While teaching a course in computer graphics , the author has developed a software package-The North China University of Technology Graphics System ( NGS ) .

  6. 在南达科他州阿伯丁(Aberdeen)的北方州立大学,外国学生每年要交15000美元的学费和食宿费,这是面向州外学生的收费标准。另外,外国学生每一学期还要交大约100美元的国际学生费。

    At Northern State in Aberdeen , S.D. , foreign students pay the out-of-state rate of more than $ 15000 a year for tuition , room and board , plus an international-student fee of about $ 100 a semester .

  7. 北方工业大学艺术设计学院学生作品选

    Work Selection of Students from Art Design College of Northern Industrial University

  8. 北方工业大学建筑工程学院;

    College of Architecture Engineering , North China University of Technology ; 2 .

  9. 北方工业大学图书馆数字资源建设实践

    The Practice on the Construction of Digital Resources of Library of North China University of Technology

  10. 关于校外大学生公寓管理的实践与探索&兼论北方工业大学校外公寓管理创新从允许本科生结婚看大学生宿舍管理

    Practice and Views on Out-campus Dormitory Administration Marital Certificate for College Students and Administration of Their Dormitory

  11. 《北方交通大学学报》中论文引文的统计和分析(1986~1992)

    Statistical Analysis of Paper 's Citation in 《 Journal of Northern Jiaotong University 》( 1986 ~ 1992 )

  12. 祝建勇(音)也在其中,他是一名23岁的北方工业大学学生。

    Zhu Jianyong , a23-old college student from the North China University of Technology , was one of them .

  13. 四容水箱是北方工业大学现场总线技术及自动化北京市重点实验室的一个典型的多变量非线性过程装置。

    Quadruple tank is a typical multivariable nonlinear process in Beijing Key Laboratory of Field-bus Technology and Automation in North China University of Technology .

  14. 针针对北方民族大学软件工程专业建设的艰难现状,调查分析了存在的主要问题以及各方面的影响因素。

    In view of difficult present situation of the North Nationality University software engineering construction , diagnosis existence main questions as well as various aspects influence factor .

  15. 北方交通大学计算机科学学士(1995年),北京大学经济学硕士(1998年),清华大学经济学博士(2008年)。

    BS , Computer Science , 1995 , Northern Jiaotong University ; MS , Economics , 1998 , Peking University ; PhD , Economics , 2008 , Tsinghua University .

  16. 本课题是北方工业大学承担的北京市教育委员会科学基金的捆扎线材图像测量计数仪的子课题。

    This study is sub study of counter of bundle bar by image processing , taken on by North China University of Technology , sponsored by education committee of Peking city .

  17. 交流会地址:北京石景山区晋元庄路5号(西五环晋元桥西北角)北方工业大学主校区内。

    The address of the exchange : Beijing Shijingshan District Jinyuanzhuang Road , NO.5 ( Northwest corner of the Jinyuan bridge at the west of fifth ring ) in the main campus of NCUT .

  18. 来自北方工业大学法律系大四年级,22岁的纪炎涛表示无论怎样,他都不会向就业压力妥协。

    Ji Yantao , 22 , a senior in law at North China University of Technology , says that he won 't give in to pressures to close a job deal , no matter what .

  19. 海底交混响就是按时间外推到一种时间零值的。实测和分析了北方某大学的甲报告厅和乙会议厅的混响时间、景噪声、场级等数据。

    Sea-bottom reverberations would extrapolate back-wards in time to a zero member . We get and analysis the data of the reverberation , noise and acoustic pressure level of the Conference Hall and Lecture Hall in some northern university in measurement .

  20. 为了支撑论文理论的提出,由于当前还没有屋顶改造的实际案例来佐证,因此,最后遴选北方工业大学A教学区内的五栋建筑进行了虚拟设计。

    In order to support the paper put forward the theory of , because at present , there is no roof reconstruction of the actual case to evidence , therefore , the selection of the northern industrial university A teaching area of five building virtual design .

  21. 本研究调查了中国北方某综合大学的57名非英语专业学生学习英语写作的动机。

    This study investigated the motivational orientations of a group of57 college-level Chinese EFL writers and their perceptions of current English writing instruction in university .

  22. 此前有媒体报道称,中国北方的天津大学也宣布,应学生提议,计划开设一门名为“爱的理论与实践”的课程。

    Previous media reports said Tianjin University in north China have also announced plans to start a course called " The Theory and Practice of Love , " proposed by its students .

  23. 现就职于河北北方学院,任大学日语老师一职。

    Now I am a japanese teacher in hebei north university .