
  • 网络beijing evening news
  1. 在刊登在《北京晚报》上的一篇报道中,来自北京的教育学博士侯正方就军训有益与否这个问题提出质疑。

    In a report by Beijing Evening News , Hou Zhengfang , a Beijing-based education PhD , questioned the benefits of military training .

  2. 在接受《北京晚报》采访时,吴奇隆表示这都要归功于该剧制片人采用的这种开放式结局新创意。

    In an interview with Beijing Evening News , Wu said this was due to the new ideas producers introduced in the alternative version .

  3. 《北京晚报》的核心产品是报纸新闻+信息;

    Beijing Evening has the core production of " news + information " .

  4. 不同的声音:《北京晚报》购房补充协议204条?签了!

    Different voice : " Beijing Wanbao ," the purchase of204 additional agreement ? Signed !

  5. 我从《北京晚报》上得知了你们对我们社区老年人所作出的巨大贡献。

    In the Beijing Evening , I learnt that you had made great achievement of old people in our community .

  6. 据北京晚报报道,连接北京首都机场至北京城区的地铁线星期二上午竣工。

    Beijing completed construction on Metro line tracks from the Capital Airport to Dongzhimen in downtown Tuesday morning , the Beijing Evening News reported .

  7. 《北京晚报》、《北京青年报》、《京华时报》的核心产品都来自于核心竞争能力&新闻信息策划能力和采编能力,只是各报的核心竞争能力侧重点不同。

    Beijing Evening Beijing Youth and JingHua Times have the same core competition capability-news planning ability , news gathering ability , and news editing ability .

  8. 据《北京晚报》从北京市交管局获悉,北京市车辆号牌选择方案将剔除含“4”牌照。

    Beijing vehicle administration office has decided to remove " 4 " from car plates randomly offered by the system , the Beijing Evening News reported .

  9. 我们听取了他们的建议,也希春晚能够满足他们的需求。上个月她在接受《北京晚报》采访时表示。

    We listened to them and hopefully they will get what they want from the show , she said in an interview with Beijing Evening News last month .

  10. 据《北京晚报》报道,北京老字号清华池近日首次进入大学校园,面向大学生招聘“修脚”传统技艺传承人。

    Bejing 's time honored public bathhouse Qinghuachi has gone to college for the first time to recruit for its traditional technique-chiropody , the Beijing Evening News reported .

  11. 据北京晚报报道,这些文艺日历设计别致、内容丰富、印刷精美,价格一般为60至100元。

    According to Beijing Evening News , the cultural calendars , with creative designs , informative content and delicate printing , are mostly priced from 60 to 100 yuan .

  12. 《北京晚报》曾于今年三月份报道,早在1972年也有过类似的事件,当时在湖南马王堆汉(公元前206年-公元220年)墓挖掘出了一鼎莲藕汤。

    Back in 1972 , a similar pot of lotus root soup from the Han Dynasty ( 206BC-AD220 ) was excavated at the Mawangdui Tombs in Central China 's Hunan Province , Beijing Evening News reported in March .

  13. 不过,根据《北京晚报》的报道,北京和中国其他一些地区的夏季气温可以达到42度,但即使在这种类似“蒸笼”的条件下,一些24小时施工的建筑工地也很少停工。

    But the air in Beijing and other parts of China can reach 106 in the summer , and work rarely stops on the 24-hour construction sites even under these " bamboo steamer " conditions , as The Beijing Evening News described them .

  14. 据《北京晚报》周一报道,除运营成本外,北京一直在以疯狂的速度扩建地铁线路,而每公里新地铁线路的建设成本约为人民币10亿元。

    In addition to operational costs , the city has been building up its subway lines at a frenetic pace , and each kilometer of new subway line costs about 1 billion yuan to build , the Beijing Evening News reported on Monday .

  15. 据《北京晚报》报道,最近公布的《凯度中国社交媒体影响报告》显示,由于社交媒体的负面影响,在1990年后出生的中国年轻人中,已有40%的人关闭了社交媒体应用的消息提醒功能。

    Nearly 40 percent of China 's young people born after 1990 have turned off notifications from social media apps due to the perceived negative impact of social media , according to the recently released Kantar China Social Media Impact Report , Beijing Evening News reported .

  16. 据北京《法制晚报》报道,一位网民日前向网络监督局举报,称高三学生使用的《中国古代诗歌散文欣赏》教材中含有一个色情网站。

    A Net user reported to the Internet supervision department on Saturday , saying that the Chinese Ancient Poetry and Prose Appreciation textbook used by high school seniors contains a porn website address , according to Beijing-based newspaper the Legal Mirror .

  17. 1955年出生于北京的余曾是北京晚报的一名美术编辑。

    Born in1955 in Beijing , Yu has been a fine arts editor in the Beijing Evening News .

  18. 王学兵在2006年担任北京的禁毒大使,如今涉嫌使用病毒,《北京晚报》和多家当地媒体都报道了此消息。

    Wang , who in 2006 was an anti-drug ambassador for the city of Beijing , was held on suspicion of using crystal meth , the Beijing Evening News and numerous other local media reported .