- heat-transmission

[heat-transmission] 外感表症传里所表现的热性病变。风、寒、燥、湿等外邪侵入人体后,在初期阶段,多有恶寒、苔薄白等表寒症状;如病邪传入气分以后,则出现不恶寒反恶热、口渴唇干、心烦、便秘、尿赤、舌红苔黄、脉数等症,显示病邪化热入里
Metallurgical Behavior of alloying galvanized plate welded with co_2 short circuiting arc
TESTING Application of Excel to Hydration Heat Experiment of Concrete
The application of software Excel to hydration heat experiment of concrete is described through a number of diagrams .
Conclusion : Fever due to blood stasis is the major etiology and pathogenesis .
Heat-transmission and wind-transmission , caused by accumulation of phlegm , are main factors for exacerbation of VD .
Study on Application of Submerged F-P Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor in the Hydrous Heat Test of Concrete Structure
Influence of uniform heat-treatment on the thickness of nb_3sn layer
The thermal field of mass concrete during construction process belong the unstable thermal field of solid conductivity . It can be simulated with transient thermal analysis in ANSYS thermal analysis module . 2 .
Effect of annealing process on microstructure and texture of alloying hot dip galvanized Ti-IF sheet
Affection of hydration heat of mixture concrete during construction to mass concrete foundation of New Shanghai Intemational Tower is analysed theoretically and taken measure of surveillance in site , with numerical analysis program MASSIVE and monitor control system .
The intelligent thermal expansion detection system was developed with intelligent detection technology . The system consists of heating furnace , cooling system , computerized detection system and temperature control system . The online applied software was designed with the languages of C + + Builder and Visual Basic .
Through cement pasty fluidity test , cement zeta potential test and Heat evolution of cement hydration experimentation , the results further account for its properties such as high dispersive ability and good fluid-retaining ability etc.
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of exterior-interior-releasing therapy on IgE in patients with acute eczema . Clinical Observation of Infantile Eczema Treated by Combined Therapy of Chinese and Western Medicine : A Report of 223 Cases
Influence of calcium lignosulphonate ( CL ) - sodium bicarbonate ( SB ) on the hydration heat evolved rate of fly ash cement and its mechanism are investigated by the measurement of hydration heat evolved rate , SEM , DTA etc.
The effect of recrystallization annealing temperature and annealing time on the microstructure and precipitation phase of alloying hot dip galvanized sheet are investigated in this paper .
Construction of 7.35m Thick Concrete Foundation Slab and Related Study on Temperature Rise Due to Hydration Heat
The results of study show that : if the rolling chemical pretreatment solution C50 is used , the products with both high corrosion resistance and good bonding can be obtained .
In the paper , the effects of JUS on the rheological property of cement paste were examined and the action mechanisms of JUS were studied by means of ζ potential , combined water , heat of hydration , DTA , TGA and so on .
Based on the cold experiment results from a cold model , a circulating fluidized bed gasification test rig with a lift tube of 100 mm in diameter and 3000 mm in height was built .
A series map of selected area electron diffraction patterns ( SADPs ) of Γ 1 phase in commercial galvannealed IF steel sheets were investigated by transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) . The cross-sectional TEM specimen was prepared using focused ion beam ( FIB ) technique .
Wetlands should be selected to clearance of fever , and can clear the air of the law machine Sanren Decoction , according to clinical observations , Sanren Decoction spleen CSG Damp-heat treatment is effective , less adverse reactions , relapse rate is low and the advantage of greater .
Surface roughness indexes of galvannealed automobile outer panels produced domestically and abroad , such as Ra , PPI , Rmax and Wca were compared and analyzed in the paper . The shortages of roughness control domestically were pointed out . And improvement measures were presented , too .
It has been shown that the cement compression strength of 28 days was increased nearly 10 MPa , the cement heat of hydration were reduced greatly , the standard consistency and the admixture compatibility were also improved to some extents .
Heat of hydration of concrete was discussed in this thesis .
Peeling Behavior of Hot-Dipped Galvanizing Alloying Coating on Automobile Steel Sheets
Analysis on Hydration Influence of Grouting Pile Concrete in Permafrost Regions
Numerical simulation for temperature field of mass concrete in cushion cap
Effect analysis of thermal bimetal during stability thermal treatment through resistance
Study on Temperature Damage of Concrete Due to Hydration Heat
Analysis of Concrete Hydration Heat , Shrinkage and Creep of Thin-Wall Piers