- pseudonym;alias;assumed name;nom de guerre;use an assumed name;code-name

[use an assumed name] 出于某种原因改用别的名字
[alias] 别名,假名
The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge
He lived and worked there under an assumed name .
Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity .
She also writes under the pseudonym of Barbara Vine .
One of their informers was working under the code name Czerny
Using an alias , he had rented a house in Fleet , Hampshire .
The criminal has several aliases .
He later found film stardom under the name of Rock Hudson .
The agents provided a name - Roman Seleznev - and the aliases he used online .
In2004 , peace workers in Fuzhou ( not his real name ) was diagnosed with HIV infection ( HIV ) .
Mr. Trotin now exhibits urban artists like Alias and Vermibus in a sleek indoor space .
Either " Dan Humphrey " is an alias or your son is not very popular .
The monument , which consists of four monolithic slabs of granite that support a single capstone , was commissioned in 1979 by a man who went by the pseudonym of R.C. Christian .
The solution that JPA2.0 provides is the ability to instantiate a metamodel class named Person_that corresponds to Person by exposing the same persistent attributes statically .
Laura Evans ( not her real name ) sits by the window of a North London coffee shop .
In her book Cities and the Wealth of Nations , Jacobs zooms in still further , looking at " Shinohata , " a pseudonymous Japanese hamlet a hundred miles north-west of Tokyo .
When I met her , Cindi was working for this small but kinda-sorta successful design agency , call it Acme Design ( not its real name ) .
Susan ( not her real name ), a freelancer , plans to invite her friends to see movies , sing karaoke together or even host a photo exhibition in her apartment .
Craig Steven Wright , an Australian entrepreneur and self-declared cyber security expert , has claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto , the pseudonymous creator of bitcoin .
At the age of eight , and named Erik Schroder , he landed in America with his father from East Germany .
Craig Wrighthad promised to provide evidence to support his claim earlier this week to have created bitcoin in 2008 using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto .
Briscoe ( not his real name ) isn 't the only man who has dieted in secret .
Lethal White , JK Rowling 's fourth outing as Robert Galbraith , takes place in 2012 , when Britain was basking in the glory of the Olympics and Paralympics .
I suppose that would have to be " A Walk in the Woods , " my account of a profoundly hopeless attempt to hike the Appalachian Trail in the company of an equally hopeless companion named ( pseudonymously ) Stephen Katz .
But , eventually , her father , Shamsum Quayyum Wazir , let her do some weightlifting , dressed as a boy and using the nickname " Genghis Khan " - and she won some competitions .
Dai Yunong , 28 , and his colleagues sold a 2-million yuan , second-hand Robinson R22 to a Chinese individual on their website , 365feiji.com .
Berkery trained Ren é e Zellweger to sound British for her role in the movie " Bridget Jones 's Diary . " Before filming started , Zellweger used an alias to get a temp job at a London publishing house where everyone assumed she was British .
Ioana Gheorghe ( not her real name ), 75 , who lives in the western city of Timisoara went to her general practitioner twice complaining she felt poorly .
This August , hackers using the name " Mr Smith " leaked the scripts for five episodes from the most recent season online . The attack followed another major leak last November , in which plot details for the season where shared on Reddit .
J : Oh , my god . You have to go . Shakira 's gonna be there this week . I love her . She goes under the name Sidney lumpkin , and I need you to get this signed for me . My life with Shakira .