
láo dònɡ lì zī yuán
  • labor resources;human resources;pool of labor resources
  1. 改变传统就业体制实现劳动力资源的市场配置;

    Changing the traditional employment system , realizing market deployment of human resources ;

  2. 人口的发展,为社会经济发展提供了劳动力资源。

    The increase of population can provide the development of social economy with human resources .

  3. 为什么德国工业能有如此现成的训练有素且积极肯干的劳动力资源呢?

    Why does German industry enjoy such a ready supply of well-trained and well-motivated workers ?

  4. WTO与中国劳动力资源市场的发展研究

    A Perspective on the influence of the Economic of labor Resources in China

  5. 基于ASP的农村劳动力资源管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Rural Labour Resource Management System Based on ASP Programme

  6. 本方法中,基于OWL本体(WebOntologyLanguage)语言建立了应急资源本体模型以识别劳动力资源信息和物力资源信息。

    Based on OWL ontology language ( Web Ontology Language ), emergency resource ontology model is established in the approach to obtain human resource information and material resource information .

  7. 随着农村劳动力资源的下降,工资在上升。

    With the rural labour pool shrinking , wages are rising .

  8. 劳动力资源是人类社会发展最宝贵的资源。

    Labor resource is the most important resource for social development .

  9. 提出了劳动力资源开发与管理规划和人才资源开发与管理规划;

    Out the plans of labor / personnel resources and management ;

  10. 劳动力资源丰富、素质较高、成本较低;

    We have a large well-trained and relatively low-cost labor force .

  11. 抓住人口之窗的有利时机发挥劳动力资源优势振兴东北经济

    Taking Advantages of the Labor Force Resources to Revitalize Northeast Economy

  12. 二是从协调不同经济发展水平的区域差异出发,进行适当的区域内或区际产业转移,合理配置区域劳动力资源。

    Disposing rationally regional labor resources by transferring inner-regional or inter-regional industries .

  13. 西部地区劳动力资源现状及开发对策

    Current Situation and Developing Countermeasures of Labour Resources in the Western China

  14. 山西劳动力资源、就业与失业人口现状及发展预测

    About Shanxi 's Labour Resources , Empolyment and Unemployment Situation

  15. 我国是生物能源大国,劳动力资源丰富,有着较好的技术条件。

    China has abundant biomass , plentiful human labors and advanced technology .

  16. 乡村劳动力资源开发与人力资本建设;

    Rural labor resources exploitation and rural human capital construction ;

  17. 我国劳动力资源经济效率的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of China 's Commercial Efficiency of Labor Resource

  18. 年轻工人的劳动力资源正日益减少。

    The labor pool of younger workers is getting smaller .

  19. 人口和劳动力资源潜力受到严重破坏。

    The potential of population and labor resources was ruined .

  20. 关于农村职业教育与劳动力资源开发问题的思考

    Consideration of Rural Vocational Education and Labour Force Resources Development

  21. 农业资源主要从水利资源、土地资源、劳动力资源等方面进行分析。

    Agricultural resources are referred to water , soil , and labor .

  22. 阜新市劳动力资源的空间配置调整

    Spatial Disposition and Adjustment of Labor Force Resources in Fuxin

  23. 黑龙江省是农业大省,劳动力资源丰富,尤其是农村剩余劳动力众多。

    Heilongjiang is a major agricultural province is also a labor province .

  24. 南京市农村劳动力资源优化利用的研究

    Studies on the Optimization and Utilization of Rural Labour Resources of Nanjing City

  25. 柑橘属于劳动密集型产品,而我国劳动力资源丰富。

    Citrus are labor-intensive products , while our country has much labor resources .

  26. 失业是当今世界市场经济国家伴随经济高速发展而日渐突显出来的一种普遍经济现象,它严重削弱经济进步的推动力,制约劳动力资源的优化配置。

    Unemployment is regarded as a common phenomenon in countries of market economy .

  27. 开发劳动力资源:我国经济社会发展的战略选择

    Exploit Resource of Labor : the Stratagem Choice of Chinese Economic Society Developing

  28. 包钢(集团)公司劳动力资源再利用的思考

    Comment on re - use of labor force resources

  29. 最后,多年来的经济增长模式是珠三角劳动力资源短缺的深层原因。

    But the deep cause is the economic growth mode for many years .

  30. 社会资金充裕,劳动力资源丰富。

    There is more than ample capital in society and plentiful labor resources .