
  • 网络Labor dispatch;labor dispatching;Service Dispatching
  1. 第6章对我国劳务派遣发展实践中劳务派遣履约问题进行分析。

    Chapter six analyzes the labor dispatch contract performance in China .

  2. 劳务派遣制度的规范缺失及弥补路径探析

    Lack of a Regulative System of Labor Dispatch and Remedial Ways

  3. 然后介绍了XY银行NN分行基本情况,分析了XY银行NN分行劳务派遣人员绩效考核的现状,指出了其中存在的问题,分析了存在问题的原因。

    Then the study introduces basic situation of XY Bank NN Branch and the status of performance appraisal of its dispatch personnel , which also pointes out problems existing and the reasons .

  4. 劳务派遣公司OfficeTeam最近调查了全美诸多行业的1300名高管。

    Staffing firm OfficeTeam recently surveyed 1,300 senior managers nationwide in a variety of industries .

  5. 日本东京-24岁的HidekazuNishikido是一家劳务派遣公司的职员,最近得到晋升,协助管理一小组员工。

    Hidekazu Nishikido , a24-year-old agent at a staffing company , recently got promoted to help manage a small group of employees .

  6. 劳务派遣公司OfficeTeam最近调查了全美诸多行业的1300名高管。下面是他们给出的一些员工辞职理由:

    Staffing firm OfficeTeam recently surveyed 1300 senior managers nationwide in a variety of industries . Here are some of the things they said about why workers were flying the coop :

  7. 劳动关系非标准趋势下的劳务派遣问题研究

    Study on Labor Dispatch under the Trend of Non-standard Labor Relations

  8. 劳务派遣制度及其对企业人力资源管理的影响

    Labor sending system and its influence on enterprise human resources management

  9. 劳务派遣中受遣员工权利保护法律问题探讨

    How to Protect Legal Rights of Dispatched Workers on Dispatching Service

  10. 论用人单位与劳务派遣工之间的关系

    Discussion on Relationship of Employing Unit and Laborer for Services

  11. 劳务派遣是企业的一种新型用工模式,必定要经历从形成到发展再到完善的过程。

    Labor dispatch is a new pattern of company employment .

  12. 劳务派遣用工的成本优势与风险防范

    The cost superiority and risk precautions of labor dispatching-recruiting-using service

  13. 劳动合同法下实施劳务派遣的对策研究

    A Research on How to Implement Dispatch Services under Labor Contract Law

  14. 第三,关于劳务派遣的适用范围和期限。

    Thirdly , for the scope and time limit of labor dispatching .

  15. 《劳动合同法》与劳务派遣机构的法律规范

    Legal Norms of Labour Contract Law and Labour Dispatch Agencies

  16. 《劳动合同法》对劳务派遣企业的影响与对策

    On Impact of Labor Contract Law on Labor Dispatch Enterprises and Countermeasures

  17. 基于《劳动合同法》下的劳务派遣问题分析

    Analysis on Dispatch Service Problems Based on Labor Contract Law

  18. 第三部分是我国劳务派遣的法律机制及存在的问题。

    The third part is the legal regulation of labor dispatching and review .

  19. 新形势下石化销售企业劳务派遣工管理策略

    Policy of Management of Dispatched Labor in Petrochemical Marketing Enterprise under New Situation

  20. 我国劳务派遣用工存在的问题及对策分析

    Problems and Countermeasures of Outside Employment in Our Country

  21. 劳务派遣,这个名词对于现代社会来说不是一个陌生的词语。

    Work dispatch , which is a familiar word for the modern world .

  22. 劳务派遣还被称为劳动力派遣、人才租赁等。

    Dispatched employment is called dispatched labor or employee leasing and so on .

  23. 我国劳务派遣呈现出行业分布广、人员范围大、所占比例高的特点。

    Labor dispatching has wide distribution , personnel range , and high proportion .

  24. 第五,建议在劳务派遣立法中设专章规定劳务派遣监察制度。

    Fifthly , supervising system is suggested in the legislation of labor dispatching .

  25. 因为针对劳务派遣业的现有劳动法律规制并不足以担当此功能。

    Because , the existing systems of labor laws cannot assume this situation .

  26. 我国劳务派遣存在的问题

    The Problems Existed in Labor Services Dispatching in China

  27. 劳务派遣是劳务经济的一种类型。

    Labor dispatch is a type of labor economy .

  28. 劳务派遣模式的引进,恰恰满足了企业的这种用工需求。

    The introduction of the dispatch mode just meets the needs of the enterprise .

  29. 第四,建立合理的劳务派遣制信贷助理用工方式。

    Fourth , establishes the reasonable labor dispatch system credit assistant way of employment .

  30. 第二章&劳务派遣的概述。

    The second chapter-an overview of labor dispatching .